American Indian Timeline

By broocai
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    -A law passed by congress that let the president negotiate with the Indian tribes to move westward.
    -This act happened under Andrew Jackson's presidency.
    -It removed the Indians from the southern states to territory west passed the missisippi river.
    -Led to the Trail of Tears; relocation of the Indian tribes.
  • Gold Rush

  • The Lure of Silver and Gold

  • Massacre at Sand Creek

    Massacre at Sand Creek
    • The battle between the Colorado Militia and villages of Cheyenne and Arapaho, Geronimo fought for the apracho land, caused because the tribes were in southern Colorado territory. -The Colorado group scalped the tribes people and also shot them if they tried to run away. -Overall this Massacre was very brutal and taken out of hand by the leader of the Colorado group, John Chivington.
  • Death on the Bozeman trail

  • Red River War

  • Custer's Last Stand

    Custer's Last Stand
    -The Sioux and Cheyenne hekd a sundance. During it Sitting Bull had a vision of soldiers and Native Americans falling off their horses.
    -This led to the Native Americans being ready for soldiers to come.
    -The soldiers that came were led by Crazy Horse, Gall, an Sitting Bull.
    -WIthin an hour all of Cluster's Seventh Calvary were dead.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    -1887 congress passed this act aiming to "Americanize" Native Americans.
    -Act broke up reservations and gave some of the land to individual Native Americans.
    -Government would sell remainder of land to settlers, income would be used by Native Americans to by farm implements.
    -By 1932, whites had taken 2/3's of territory set aside for Native Americans.
    -In the end Native Americans recieved no money from the sale of lands.
  • Ghost Dance Movement

    Wovoka founded this movement. He spread ghost dance through the west.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    -The seventh cavalry gather around 350 starving and freezing Sloux and Lakota, Rand took them to a camp at Wounded Knee Creek.
    -Soldiers demand the the Native Americans surrender all of their weapons to them.
    -A single shot was fired, but no one knows wich side it came from.
    -The soldiers started to take matter into their own hands and bring out the weapins like cannons.
    -Children and more than 300 Native Americans were killed in minutes.
    -This event brought the Indian Wars to a depressing end.