
American Imperialism

By Angel,
  • Benjamin Harrison's Inauguration

    Benjamin Harrison's Inauguration
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    Benjamin Harrison

    Harrison supported the Sherman Silver Purchase Act. President Harrison signed the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890 in order to outlaw monopolies. Harrison was also an advocate of the McKinley Tarrif Act. Congress had appropriated a billon dollars during Harrison's presidency. This angered
    many Americans because they saw that the president was too supportive of wealthy interests.
  • Grover Cleveland's Inauguration

    Grover Cleveland's Inauguration
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    Grover Cleveland

    Grover Cleveland took office while the country was in the worst financial crisis in history due to the Panic of 1893. President Cleveland used federal troops to stop the Pullman railroad strike in 1894. This made him unpopular between organized labor unions. Unemployment rose to 19 percent. Strikes had crippled coal and transportation industries. The American economy did not recover until 1896-1897.
  • William McKinley's Inauguration

    William McKinley's Inauguration
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    William McKinley

    After taking office, McKinley called for a session of Congress to raise custom duties. He believed that it would reduce other taxes and encourage the growth of domestic industry and employment for American workers. The result of the session of Congress was the Dingley Tariff Act. After the explosion of the USS Maine, President McKinley signed the declaration of war on April 25 1898. On December 1898, the Treaty of Paris was signed to end the Spanish American War.
  • De Lome Letter

    De Lome Letter
    Enrique Dupuy de Lome wrote a letter to a government official in Havana. On February 9, 1898, the New York Journal published the letter. In the letter he stated that President McKinley was weak and a low politician.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    After the explosion of the USS Maine on February 16, 1898, in the Havana Harbor, American citizens were wanting to go to war with Spain. Spain wanted to avoid war so they promised to get rid of all concentration camps and make peace with the insurrectos. The US said that they wanted complete removal of the Spanish from Cuba. The Spanish refused to do that. The US passed the Teller Amendment which kept the U.S. from annexing territory in Cuba.
  • The Battle of Manila Bay

    The Battle of Manila Bay
    The Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt, gave orders to George Dewey that if the U.S. went to war, to send his fleet to Manila in the Philippines to attack the Spanish Navy. On May 1, Dewey and his fleet sailed to Manila. The Spanish had 10 ships and Dewey's squadron only had 6 but the Spanish ships were old and rotting while Dewey's were brand new.
  • Battle of San Juan Hill

    Battle of San Juan Hill
    The U.S. Army Fifth Corps landed on Cuba in June with the goal of marching its way to Santiago to launch a land and sea assault on the Spanish stronghold, docked on Santago de Cuba Harbor. The Rough Riders, led by Theodore Roosevelt, were among the ground unit. Ordered by General William Shafter, 8,000 Americans attacked the villages of El Caney and San Juan Hill. The Rough Riders were a part of the troops in right flank during the attack of Kettle Hill. The Rough Riders led the attacks.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Annexation of Hawaii
    Hawaii played an important role when the United States went to war with Spain. Hawaii was a place that the United States stopped by to refuel before they went to the Philippines to attack the Spanish.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish Anerican War in which the United States acquired land from the Spanish like Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. People ridiculed the treaty because it was imperialist.
  • Open Door Policy Editorial Cartoon

    Open Door Policy Editorial Cartoon
    The cartoon shows Uncle Sam holding the key that opened China's doors to trade with other nations. In front of the door are the leaders of the countries that are part of the spheres of influence in China.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    The Open Door Policy were a set of notes that was 1st articulated by Senator John Hay. The Open Door Policy proposed a free open market and equal trading opportunities for all merchants but the Open Door Policy was aimed to support America's commercial interests in China to ensure that US has a strong position in world markets.
  • Theodore Roosevelt's Inauguration

    Theodore Roosevelt's Inauguration
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    Theodore Roosevelt

    Roosevelt improved the U.S. Navy and created the "Great White Fleet". He encouraged the creation of the Panama Canal. Roosevelt helped negotiate a treaty to end the Russo-Japanese War, this act helped President Roosevelt earn the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. Roosevelt supported desegregation and women's suffrage. Roosevelt signed the National Monuments Act in 1906.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    Roosevelt added a corollary to the Monroe Doctrine which stated that the United States would intervene in any wrong doing by a Latin American country or any other country and make sure that all debts are paid which made the United States the police of the Western Hemisphere.
  • Great White Fleet

    Great White Fleet
    Roosevelt strengthened the country's defense by adding 16 new battleships to the US Navy. He had the new battleships circumnavigate the globe on December 16, 1907 to February 22, 1909.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    The Dollar Diplomacy was Taft's extension to Roosevelt's Corollary in the Monroe Doctrine. The goal of the Dollar Diplomacy was to expand the United States's economic power and promote trade with countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, West Africa and East Africa.
  • William Howard Taft's Inauguration

    William Howard Taft's Inauguration
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    Willam Howard Taft

    Taft at first was active in trust busting but then moved away from that and aligned himself with the conservative members of the Republican Party. Taft had a session of Congess to debate about the tariff reform legislation. The session led to the Payne-Aldrich Act.
  • Woodroow Wilson's Inauguration

    Woodroow Wilson's Inauguration
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    Woodrow Wilson

    During his administration, Congress passed the Underwood-Simmons Act, which reduced tariffs on imports and enforce a new federal income tax. It also helped pass the Federeal Reserve and the Federal Trade Commison. Wilson kept the U.S. neutral during World War I during his 1st term. On April 2, 1917, Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany. President Wilson was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize. The 18th & 19th mendment was passed during his presidency.
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    The Zimmerman Note is a secret telegram sent by German Secretary, Arthur Zimmerman, to Count Johan Von Bernstoff, the German ambassador to the United States. The telegram was intercepted and deciphered by the British and sent to President Woodrow Wilson. Zimmerman had said that if the United States joined the war then Mexico should enter the war as a German ally and that Germany would help restore Mexico's lost territories.