American Foreign Policy

  • The US declare independence

    The 13 colonies declare their independence from Britain. The declaration of independence is adopted two days later.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    President James monrone declare that European powers can not colonize North and South America. These are American affairs.
  • Open Door policy

    Open Door policy for equal trading rights inside China; promoted by U.S. and accepted by Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Russia and Japan
  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Theodore Roosevelt refers to U.S. policy as "speaking softly and carrying a big stick", applied the same year by assisting Panama's independence movement from Colombia. U.S. forces sought to protect American interests and lives.
  • Good Neighbour Policy

    Franklin D. Roosevelt declares the "Good Neighbour Policy", U.S. opposition to armed intervention in inter-American affairs.
  • Cold War

    the period of tension and hostility between Soviet bloc and US/West Europe/Japans
  • Berlin Wall

    President Reagan gives the "Tear down this wall!" speech in Berlin, saying "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!". Reagan argues that tearing the Berlin Wall would be a symbol of Soviet good faith to prove Gorbachev was sincere in seeking better relations with the West.
  • War In Afghanistan

    After the 9/11 attacts, U.S. and NATO forces invade Afghanistan and overthrow the Taliban
  • Pivot to Asia

    Hillary Clinton enphasizes the importance of Asia and annnouces that the US will pivot their attention to Asia.
  • Ukraine conflict

    Russia occupies Crimea illegally and the US uses economic sanctions againest them.