Amanda's project

  • Queen Lilioukalani became the leader of Hawaii

    Queen Lilioukalani became the leader of Hawaii
    She was the queen of Hawaii. She believed that the planters in Hawaii had too much influence and power, and she wanted to limit their power. The American planters over threw her in 1893 with the help of the U.S. marines. sources: Textbook
  • Grover Cleveland elected president

    Grover Cleveland elected president
    Grover Cleveland was the 22 and 24 president of the United States. He was born on March 18, 1837, and died on June 24, 1908. He didn't approve of the American planters in Hawaii's actions, and withdrew the treaty of annexation from the senate. sources-
  • Planters in Hawaii overthrow Queen Lilioukalani

    U.S. trade laws changed, and that upset the planters in Hawaii, so they staged a revolt in 1893. The U.S. marines helped them overthrow Queen Lilioukalani and set up their own government. They then asked the U.S. to annex them, but President Grover Cleveland didn't agree with the planters and withdrew the treaty, so they weren't annexed until the Spanish-American war. sources- Textbook
  • President William McKinley becomes president

    President William McKinley becomes president
    President William McKinley was the 25 president of the United States. He was from the Republican political party. He didn't like or want war, but public opinion forced him to do something. He defended Cuba from Spain. sources-
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    Started when president McKinley signed a revolution that got Cuba's independance from Spain. Spain refused. That started the Spanish-American war. sources- Textbook
  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

    Theodore Roosevelt becomes president
    Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president ever in teh nation's history. He became president at age 43. He saw the need for a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and help with the construction of the Panama Canal. sources-
  • William howard Taft elected president

    William howard Taft elected president
    Willian Howard Taft was the 27 president of the United States. Conservatives liked president Taft and thought he'd fix everything that president Roosevelt did that they didn't like. Progressives, thought president Taft was the one to finish everything that president Roosevelt. sources-
  • Mexican Revolution begins

    The Mexican Revolution started because of large disagreements among Mexicans because of the dictator that stayed in office for 31 years. The dictator, Porfirio Diaz, was a very highly respected political leader by many Americans. sources-
  • Woodrow Wilson elected president

    Woodrow Wilson elected president
    Woodrow Wilson was the 28 president of the United States. Wilson was the one to take action when the Mexican revolution started to threaten the U.S.'s interests. He also, as President Taft's successor, took action in Latin America. sources:
  • Panama Canal opens

    Panama Canal opens
    The United States built the Panama Canal to make it faster for ships to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Some people thought he was interfering with Columbia's business and that he should have minded his own business. sources: Textbook