
Allies Aided By U.S.

By Jabzul
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    Congress passes neutrality acts, making it illegal to sell arms or lend money to nations at war.
  • FDR Asking Congress

    FDR Asking Congress
    Presient Roosevelt asks Congress to allow Allies to buy American arms
  • Lend-Lease Acts

    Lend-Lease Acts
    Congress passes Lend-Lease Acts, allowing the President to lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country vital to the United States
  • U.S., British, and Germans Take to the Water

    U.S., British, and Germans Take to the Water
    U.S. ships start escorting British supply ships, and Germans mobilize their submarines to sink them
  • Undeclared Naval War with Germany

    Undeclared Naval War with Germany
    German U-Boat opens fire upon a U.S. destroyer. Roosevelt orders navy to fire upon German subs at will.