Adrian and Corn's Presidential Timeline

  • George Washington's Inauguration

  • Period: to

    George Washington's Presidency

    Social: The Whiskey Rebellion caused him to bring the military into play as people didn't like excise taxes.
    Political: He did not want political parties. He wrote the Militia Act of 1792, which would bring in various militia into several states to enforce rules.
    Economic: Organized NYSE
    Foreign: He commanded the Continental Army during the French and Indian War. Jay Treaty ratified. British troops required to withdraw from the U.S.Pinckney's Treaty with Spain opened navigation on Mississippi
  • George Washington's Last Day in Office

  • John Adams' Inauguration

  • Period: to

    John Adams' Presidency

    Social: Moved capital to Washington, D.C. Established the Navy.
    Political: Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798. The Act gave permission to arrest and deport any foreigner whom he considered to be dangerous
    Foreign: XYZ Affair, no actual war, but fought French, even though he wanted Neutrality.
  • John Adams' Last Day in Office

  • Thomas Jefferson's Inauguration

  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson's Presidency

    Social: Encouraged freedom of speech and religion.
    Political: A separate vote be taken for President and Vice President. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions gave states the right to nullify any federal law they felt the government didn't have the right to make.
    Economic: Embargo Act of 1807, shut down exports (hurt the U.S). The Lousiana Purchase, increased U.S's size x2
    Foreign: Barbary Wars against pirates.
  • Thomas Jefferson's Last Day in Office

  • James Madison's Inauguration

  • Period: to

    James Madison's Presidency

    Social: Along with Hamilton and John Jay, he wrote the Federalist Papers, which laid out the government in terms that the common people would understand.
    Political: Wrote the Constitution of the U.S.
    Economic: He reinstated the national bank. He signed the Tariff of 1816- the first tariff ever instituted primarily for protection. he lifted all of the trade restrictions with the rest of the world Macons Bill No. 2.
    Foreign: He initiated the War of 1812 with Britain.
  • James Madison's Last Day in Office

  • James Monroe's Inauguration

  • Period: to

    James Monroe's Presidency

    Social: Missouri Compromise (Maine=Free & Missouri=Slave)
    Political: Era of Good Feelings - strong democratic gov't without competition
    Economic: Purchased Florida from Spanish.
    Foreign: Monroe Doctrine- No more European interference in the West Hemisphere.
  • James Monroe's Last Day in Office

  • John Quincy Adams' Inauguration

  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams' Presidency

    Social: Supported the "American System" which was specialization of the U.S. as a whole for a better economy.
    Political: Adams overturned a treaty signed by the Creeks in 1825
    Economic: Erie Canal built causing an economic and population boom in the NE.
    Foreign: Disarmament of the Great Lakes, fishing rights off of Canada, a U.S.-Canadian boundary, the accession of Florida, and a U.S.-Spanish border west of the Mississippi River giving America strong claim to the Pacific Coast in the Northwest
  • Andrew Jackson: Inauguration Day

  • John Quincy Adams' Last Day in Office

  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson's Presidency

    Economic Issues: Anti Bank of the United States- vetoed bill for Second Bank of the United States
    Politicla Issues: pro States Rights (Nullification Crisis-states wanted TOO much power, came up with compromise), pro Indian Removal-thought Indians were taking up White people's land, vetoed many Congressional bills
    Social Views: pro Indian Removal-many social consequences`
    Foreign Policy: very anti- British
  • Andrew Jackson: Last Day in Office

  • Martin Van Buren: Inauguration Day

  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren's Presidency

    Economic Policy: Panic of 1837 was caused by not having a National Bank, which was a decision made by A. Jackson- was followed by 5 years of a national depression, created a system of bonds
    Political Policy: advocated free trade and low tariffs, oversaw "Trail of Tears", Second Seminole War
    Foreign Policy: denied Texas to become part of the US
    Social Issues: Oversaw "Trail of Tears", thought slavery was morally wrong
  • Martin Van Buren: Last Day in Office

  • William Henry Harrison: Inauguration Day

  • William Henry Harrison: End of Term and Dies

  • John Tyler: Inauguration Day

    Vice President of William Henry Harrison- takes title of President
  • Period: to

    John Tyler Presidency

    Economic Policy: vetoed 2 bills for the national bank proposed by Clay, signed the Distribution Act of 1841 but when this did not work he passed the Tariff of 1842 to increase tariffs by more then 20%
    Social Policy: pro expanisionism, promote american commerce across the Pacific
    Foregin Policy: Webster–Ashburton Treaty with Britain which concluded where the border between Maine and Canada lay, Florida came into the Union as the 27th state.
    Political Policy: seperated himself from the Whig party
  • John Tyler: Last Day in Office

  • James Polk: Inauguration Day

  • Period: to

    James Polk Presidency

    Social Issues: vetoed Rivers and Harbors Bill to fix roads nation wide, supported slavery and owned slaves
    Foreign Policy: supported expansion, Oregon Treaty of 1846, Mexican American War
    Economic Issues: Independent Treasury System
  • James Polk: Last Day in Office