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Australian history

  • Arrival of James Cook

    Arrival of James Cook
    Captain James Cook arrived in the East Coast and claimed it for Britain
  • Penal colony

    Penal colony
    Australia became a penal colony for Britain. It ended in 1868. The first fleet arrived with 1500 people
  • Free settlers

    Free settlers
    Free settlers arrived, not only convicts
  • Soldiers and convicts settlers

    Soldiers and convicts settlers
    Soldiers and convicts settled in Australia in places that will soon became great towns.
  • Start of gold rush

    Start of gold rush
    Gold is fouded in Victoria. Hundred of people and hundred of boats arrived for it
  • Nation

    Australia is a nation under a single constitution
  • First world war

    First world war
    It has a devastating effect on Australia. 60000 australian deaths
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    Many australian insttutions failed and economy wasn't really good
  • Aboriginals in politic

    Aboriginals in politic
    Aboriginal australians are included in censuses and government make laws on behalf of them
  • Australian Labor Party

    Australian Labor Party
    Australian Labor Party is elected to power after a domination of Liberal and Country Party coaltion from 1945