
A New Nation by Ryan Sparks

  • First Women to Vote

    First Women to Vote
    The first law was passed in New England, allowing women to temperally vote, although it was ended quickly until 19th amendment.
  • Period: to

    A New Nation

  • Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's Common Sense
    Thomas Paine became one of the first public enemies against Britian by writing Common Sense, blaming England for how they were being treated and that we should seek independence
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The signing of the Declaration of Independence claimed that we were an independent nation and listed the grievences we had agianst the King of England.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point in the American Revolution. After this battle, the French agreed to come and support the Colonists, the biggest advantage they would have in the war.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The first document regarding how our country would be run. The Articles of Confederation proved to be too weak as the Federal Government couldn't raise taxes, there was no national currency, and could not settle states' desputes.
  • Treaty of Alliance with France

    Treaty of Alliance with France
    Signed between the US and France as a defensive alliance during the American Revolution for aid if Britain were to attack again.
  • First Slave Abolition Law

    First Slave Abolition Law
    Slavery was first ended in Pennsylvania, the first state to ban slavery. This began the chain reaction of the end of slavery in the North.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was the final battle in the Revolution in which the Colonists, with help from the French, beat the British and ended the war.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris offically ended the American Revolution and kicking England out of New England for the first time since in over 200 years.
  • Treaty of Fort Stanwix

    Treaty of Fort Stanwix
    The first of many treaties signed between the United States and Native Americans after the American Revolution. Took place at present day Rome, New York, and served as a peace treaty since the Treaty of Paris did not address Native Americans
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    Land Ordinance of 1785
    Was created because the government didn't have the power to raise revenues because of the Articles of Confederation, so they sold land in Ohio for money after the American Revolution.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    Rebellion led by Daniel Shay because of economic hardship after the American Revolution, also because of lack of hard currency.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The purpose was for the United States to create a Northwest Territory, the first organized territory for the United States. It included Ohio, Indiana, MIchigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota.
  • United States Constitution

    United States Constitution
    After the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution layed teh ground work for the government of the United States, including the Bill of Rights.
  • George Washington elected President

    George Washington elected President
    After leading the Continental Army against the British, Washington was the President everyone wanted, winning in a landslide.
  • Judiciary Act of 1789

    Judiciary Act of 1789
    The first Judiciary Act that led to the decision that the Surpreme Court and only one Surpreme Court has the judicial power of the United States.
  • First Official Census

    First Official Census
    The first ever census of the country, which shows the population, demographics, ect. Over 200 years later, and we are still using census'.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Farmers had to pay a new tax for trading whiskey in order for the central government to raise funds. They fought the government because they felt they were being taxed without representation.
  • First Game of Baseball

    First Game of Baseball
    Before it became the national pastime, baseball was a small, common game played especially in the New England states.
  • Bank of United States Established

    Bank of United States Established
    The first ever bank, which was applauded by the Federalist party. The creation of national banks led to the ability to loan money and helped the nation during war time.
  • Bill of Rights adopted

    Bill of Rights adopted
    In order for the Democratic-Republic party to pass the Constitution, they ordered that a Bill of Rights be included to allow states and individual rights to be included, for they feared the Constitution would give the Federal Government too much power.
  • Federalist and Demo-Republican Parties Formed

    Federalist and Demo-Republican Parties Formed
    Even though President Washington strongly opposed political parties, two sides were formed with extreme views of each other. Federalists wanted a strong Government, while Demo-Republicans wanted more states' rights.
  • George Washington Reecleted

    George Washington Reecleted
    After successfully leading the nation through the first four years, Washington ran pretty much unopposed. Like his first term, Washington won in a landslide.
  • Jay's Treaty with Britain

    Jay's Treaty with Britain
    Jay's Treaty completed the goal of avoiding war with Britain by fixing problems in the Treaty of Paris that led to years of peaceful trading between the two nations.
  • Washington's Farwell Address

    Washington's Farwell Address
    Instead of running for a 3rd term, Washington decided two terms were plenty for a President, and among many things, he warned the country of forming political parties and forming foreign alliances.
  • John Adams becomes President

    John Adams becomes President
    After serving under Washington as the Vice President, John Adams beat out Thomas Jefferson for President, with his great influence and knowledge in international affairs. Would be seen very unsuccessful compared to Washington
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    Attempt for the United States to stop a possible war with France, although negotiations never took off. Led to he Quasi War. XYZ refers to the three French delegetes' names.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    Acts passed by John Adams as a reason to keep the Demo-Republicans quiet about the opinions on the Quasi War. Also delt greatly with immigrants, and allowed deportation or jail time.
  • Quasi War

    Quasi War
    War between United States and France. The United States refused to pay war debts from the Revolution because they felt they owed money to the former French Crown, not the new Republican France. Lasted two years, known as the Undeclared War with France.
  • Judiciary Act of 1801

    Judiciary Act of 1801
    Attempt to solve issue in US Surpreme Court, where justices of the Surpreme Court had to "ride curcuit" and reiterate decisions.
  • Thomas Jefferson becomes President

    Thomas Jefferson becomes President
    First Demo-Republican to take office after defeating John Adams for reelection. Jefferson is remembered for expanding the nation witht the Louisiana Purchase, and is remembered as one of the greatest presidents ever.
  • Barbary War

    Barbary War
    The first war fought between the United States and "Pirates" over in the Mediterranean Sea after American sailors were captured by pirates
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    One of the most important judicial cases in the United States history. Established the Judicial Review of the Surpreme Court that we still use today.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    The United States wanted to purchase the Port of New Orleans, and ended up paying just $15 million for the entire Louisana Territory, under $.03 per acre. Doubled the size of the nation.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition

    Lewis and Clark expedition
    After the purchase of the Lousiana Territory, President Jefferson asked Lewis and Clark to explore the new land they have acquired, which led them all the way to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Thomas Jefferson reelected

    Thomas Jefferson reelected
    After a very successful campeign as President, Jefferson was elected again after great strides in expanding the nation and settling wars.
  • Construction of the National Road is approved

    Construction of the National Road is approved
    Since the United States was growing and expanding, the nation needed some way of new transport. The construction of the national road would help lead the way to transport people and goods from the east to the midwest.
  • Noah Webster publishes first dictionary

    Noah Webster publishes first dictionary
    The man who would become famous for his dictionaries, Noah Webster published his very first work in 1806, and later the first actual dictonary in 1828.
  • Burr Conspiracy

    Burr Conspiracy
    Former Vice President under Thomas Jefferson who was put to trial in attempt to annex part of the United States along with Mexico to form a new nation. Was committed on treason.
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    Passed during the Napolean Wars against Britain and France. The act was passed by Congress after merchants were being taken by Eurpoean navies for breaking neutrality.
  • James Madison elected President

    James Madison elected President
    Madison was elected after Thomas Jefferson and not only is hailed as the father of the United States Constitution, but also as the key author of the Bill of Rights.
  • Robert Fulton patents the Steamboat

    Robert Fulton patents the Steamboat
    Fulton patented his idea of the steamboat, leading to the development of the greatest form of travel to date in the world.
  • The first Steamboat sails on the Ohio River

    The first Steamboat sails on the Ohio River
    A year after being patented, the Steamboat traveled along the Ohio River. The steamboat would be used for decades as the main way of transportation of goods, especially down the Mississippi River.
  • James Madison relected President

    James Madison relected President
    Madison had the goal to continue Thomas Jefferson's views, including closing down the national bank, however, he advisors said the bank was needed. After the bank was canceled, and financing the war with Britain became next to impossible, he signed off on the second national bank.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The United States declared war on Britain because of tarriffs, taking merchants, and the desire to annex Canada. No land would be exchanged between the two.
  • The Hartford Convention

    The Hartford Convention
    During the War of 1812, the Federalist party got together in Hartford not only because of their opinions against the war, but to dismantle the party, for it's power was diminishing.
  • First complex machine mass produced by Interchangable Parts

    First complex machine mass produced by Interchangable Parts
    Interchangable parts became imporant because in the past if one part of a machine was broken the entire machine was broken. With interchangable parts, you could put different parts to help it work. Huge impact on mass production.
  • British burn down Washington, D.C.

    British burn down Washington, D.C.
    During the War of 1812, the British tropps advanced on to Washington, D.C. witht the support of a strong navy, and for the first and only time ever, the White House was burnt down by an enemy.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans made Andrew Jackson a war hero and later led him to win the Presidency. While only less than 100 casualties for the Americans, there were over 2,000 for the British.
  • James Monroe elected President

    James Monroe elected President
    James Monroe, the last founding father to serve as President, led the way for American Intervention with the creation of the Monroe Doctrine.
  • First Seminole War

    First Seminole War
    First of multiple wars between the United States and the Native American and African-Americans in Florida. Andrew Jackson led the charge, which ultimatly led to Spain giving up Florida.
  • First American School for the Deaf Opens

    First American School for the Deaf Opens
    The first school for the deaf helped begin the advance in America of special needs, which was propelled by people like Hellen Keller, and gained popularity from the 19th century and on.
  • Panic of 1819

    Panic of 1819
    This was the first Economic Depression in the country's history, followed by further depression until 1821 by their changing econmic status with Europe.
  • United States annexes Florida

    United States annexes Florida
    The annexation of Florida helped complete the border of the United States and marking the end of colonalization of the Spanish Empire in North America.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Was the beginning of the issue that created the Civil War. For each free state admitted to the Union, a slave state would be admitted. This created balance in free and slave states in the nation.
  • Cohens v. Virginia

    Cohens v. Virginia
    Through this judicial case, the decision established that the people of the United States have the power to remake the Constitution if it no longer protects them.
  • James Monroe sworn in as President for 2nd term

    James Monroe sworn in as President for 2nd term
    After being reelected, Monroe continued his work, most notably the growth of the Monroe Doctrine, which became very controversial because some people believed without European aid, it was nothing much than a bold statement.
  • The first White American uses the Santa Fe Trail

    The first White American uses the Santa Fe Trail
    The growth of America and the idea of Manifest Destiny. White Americans began to settle in the West and continued the use of the Santa Fe Trail.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    Gibbons v. Ogden
    The Surpreme Court ruled that Congress held the power to regulate interstate commerce.
  • The Monroe Doctorine

    The Monroe Doctorine
    Created by James Monroe, this dcoument gave the United States power to police the European nations trying to get a foothold in Latin American countries.
  • John Quincy Adams becomes 6th President

    John Quincy Adams becomes 6th President
    John Quincy Adams was elected President and mainly focused on internal improvments, including reducing the debt from $15 million to $5 million. Regarded as a master in foreign affairs, like his father.
  • Erie Canal Completed

    Erie Canal Completed
    The completion of the Eire Canal helped grow transportaion in the United States that allowed trade from New York to Midwestern farmers.