A Glimpse into the Cold War

By jlegz11
  • Iron Curtain is created

    Iron Curtain is created
    The "Iron Curtain" was created and it was a theoretical line through Eastern Europe which stood for the division of Communism.
  • The Marshall Plan was enacted

    The Marshall Plan was enacted
    The Marshall Plan was an initiative set in place by Americans to help aide Western Europe after World War II.
  • The Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift
    Upon completion of World War II, the allied nations took command of Germany and divided up the area, Berlin being one of the locations.
  • NATO was Formed

    NATO was Formed
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an international government alliance to better stop wars in the future.
  • Korean WAr

    Korean WAr
    North Korea invades South Korea and the United Nations (primarily United States) chooses to aide South Korea while war erupts.
  • Warsaw Pact Signed

    Warsaw Pact Signed
    Treaty signed by most eastern European nations as a cease fire for years to come.
  • Vietnam War Begins

    Vietnam War Begins
    Vietnam War begins and brings in American influence to the Asian country where many friendly casualties took place.
  • Hungarian Revolution

    Hungarian Revolution
    Nationwide rebellion breaks out where citizens of Hungary revolt against government and communist views invoked by Soviet Union.
  • Sputnik Takes Flight

    Sputnik Takes Flight
    The Soviet Union successfully launched the first satellite into space and was able to beat the U.S. in the "Space Race," at first...
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    A U-2 surveillance plane was shot down in Soviet Union territory, seen as an act of war from the eyes of the Soviets.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Incognito CIA military mission to invade Cuba turns into great failure and seen as an extreme act of war, enticing nuclear weapon use.
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Berlin Wall Built
    The Berlin Wall was a controversial literal wall installed in the heart of Berlin, Germany that signified the difference in Communism and Democracy.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    Soviet Russia wanted to install nuclear warhead bases in nearby Cuba and America refused, making a standoff between the nations.

    Meaning "reconstruction and openness," the program swept across eastern European nations bringing Communism to a foreseeable end.
  • Berlin Wall Destroyed

    Berlin Wall Destroyed
    Somewhat signified the end of the Cold War, the seperation between the Capitalist West and the Communist East was torn down.