a brief timeline to psychology

  • 1700 BCE

    Plato's argument

    for 1000's of years the central nervous system has been known as the governor of behaviour. Plato simply argued that the brain was responsible for mental processes.
  • Period: to

    early philosophical ideas

    -Descartes suggests that the mind and body are in fact separate
    and the mind is the subject of study.
    -Locke suggests that we are learn through experiences from our
  • the theory of evolution

    the theory of evolution
    Darwin finally released his book on the theory of evolution, natural selection and survival of the fittest. others had started to contemplate upon the idea. Darwin described his idea that individuals with stronger and more adaptive genes tend to survive, and therefore reproduce with other survivors to then pass the gene on. the topic was highly controversial and Darwin was mocked.
  • official lab dedicated to studying psychology opens.

    this was the first of its kind, and was opened by Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig. there he used the technique 'introspection' on trained participants, to monitor and report minute changes in sensation etc.
  • freuds publishing sparks interest of society in the mind.

    Freud releases 'the interpretation of dreams'. psychoanalysis is used as a 'talking cure' for neurotic people. Freud explain we have thoughts being suppressed in our unconscious mind because they are too painful to deal with consciously.
  • the behaviourist approach. Watson.v.Skinner

    Watson believed that all behaviour is learned, and Skinner believed that we learn and do certain behaviours to earn a reward (positive reinforcement) or avoid a punishment, or unpleasant consequences (negative reinforcement) Behaviourists believe all creatures learn in ways a like, rejecting the notion of free will.
  • the creation of the humanistic approach.

    groups adopt the idea of the humanistic approach. they reject both psycho-dynamic and behaviourist approaches, and instead focus on the potential of each separate individual. They emphasise on the importance of determination and free will.
  • the cognitive approach and the process of the mind.

    the study of the minds processes (including: memory, perception, language etc.) begin to be studied scientifically by psychologists.they predict that behaviour occurs after though, therefore our thought process must be explored further.
  • Bandura and the social learning theory.

    Bandura realises the need for memory and other cognitive functions for a human to think about the appropriate reactions in a situation,but that we also learn from watching others behaviours and the reaction they receive. Therefore behaviourism does not explain human learning.
  • the new investigation of the biological approach.

    the central nervous system has been known to control behaviour since or even before the time of Plato. However it is in the 80's and 90's that neuronal activity, biochemistry and genetics became the focal point of the ongoing investigation, new technology also helped the scientists prove their points and investigate the hypothesis scientifically.
  • cognitive neuroscience advancement.

    cognitive neuroscience advancement.
    with more oncoming technology such as MRI scanners scientists become able to identify parts of the brain and their functions. its the study of the brain to get explanation to how we think. this method and theory is considered by many to be the future of psychology and mental understandings.