AP Timeline 1820-1850

  • First intergrated cotton mill

    That mill at Waltham, Massachusetts, was the first vertically integrated factory in the United States, using power looms Francis Cabot Lowell had created
  • Bank War

    Congress created a Second Bank of the United States with a charter set to expire in 1836. The banks acted as a currency stabilizer by helping to control the suplly of money. because some people were suspicious of banks because they distrusted the paper money issued by them and because banks controlled credit and loans.
  • The election of 1828

    With the help of Van Buren, Andrew Jaskcon was elected president. By securing support for the North, South, and West Jackson's Party became truly national.The electiondemonstrated the power of the new political culture and the new party system.
  • Transportation: The Railroad

    31,000 miles of tracks were built between 1830-1860, not only was it good for rail industry, but also iron for the demand of iron tracks. Encouraged modernization of iron producers.
  • Nat Turner Revolt

    A slave rebellion led by Nat Turner where 55-65 white people, the highest number of fatalities caused by slave uprisings in the South. The rebellion was put down within a few days, but Turner survived in hiding for several months afterward.
  • Slave Revolts

    Slaves begin to revolt throughout the South. One major is the Black Seminole Rebellion with 935-1265 black participants and the death of 400 white men. Out of this revolt 500 emigrated west with Indians, 90 or more caught & re-enslaved, hundreds more surrendered to slavery, casualties unknown.
  • Aftermath of Nat Turner Revolt

    After the rebellion, William Lloyd Garrison began publishing The Liberator, and antislavery paper.There was widespread fear, and white militias organized in retaliation against slaves. The state executed 56 slaves accused of being part of the rebellion. In the frenzy, many innocent enslaved people were punished. At least 100 blacks, and possibly up to 200, were killed by militias and mobs. Across the South, state legislators passed new laws prohibiting education of slaves and free blacks, restri
  • Lowell Mills Strike

    Also known as "The Lowell Mill Girls" was the name given to the women who were textile workers that had a strike after the Board of Directors of Lowell's textile mills requested the managers or agents to impose a 15% reduction in wages.
  • Alamo

    The Battle for the Alamo was a pivotal event in the Texas Revolution. All but two of the Texian defenders were killed. Santa Anna's perceived cruelty during the battle inspired many Texians both Texas settlers and adventurers from the United States to join the Texian Army.
  • Van Buren, Whigs

    In 1833, Nicholas Biddle called in all of the Bank's commercial loans. This cause a panic and recession. Merchants, businessmen, and planters blames Jackson for his war on the Bank. These goupes former a formal political party known as the Whigs. Martin Van Buren was still able to win the election.
  • Panic of 1837

    The panic, caused by newly chartered banks that were egaer to give loans out, the price of cotton rose rapidly, and there was much speculation in western states and land. Jackson became alarmed at the widspread use of paper money, in 1836 he issued the Specie Circular which required payment for federal lands be make in only hard currency.
  • John Deere: The Steel Plow

    John Deere was an American blacksmith and manufacturer who founded Deere & Company, one of the largest and leading agricultural and construction equipment manufacturers in the world. Deere developed and manufactured the first commercially successful cast-steel plow. The wrought-iron framed plow had a polished steel share. This made it ideal for the tough soil of the Midwest and worked better than other plows.
  • Roads

    In 1800, local roads were poor. By 1808 the federal government demonstrated its dedication to improving the nation's roads by funding the National Roads, with would by 1839 bring the East and West together.
  • Campaign of 1840

    The Whigs Nominated William Henry Harrison as thier presidential candidate in 1840.The Whigs campaign tactics included blaming Van Buren for the continuing depression, their tactics worked and Harrison won an impressive electoral victory
  • Potatoe Famine

    The potato famine brought Irish immigrants to America. They were poor and remained in the cities where they were desperate for work.

    James Marchall discovered gold flakes at Sutter's Mill.The East coast did not know about the discovery of gold in California until the Autumn of 1848. Thousands of people left their jobs and headed west,by land and by sea, to make their fortune. The miners there were known as "forty-niners"(Fun Fact: That's how San Fransisco's football team got their logo) 80% were american.
  • Women's Rights

    The first women's rights convention in American history was the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848. The convention, which called for universal woman suffrage, was an outgrowth of nearly 20 years of women's participation in various social reform movements.