Unit 4 Jeffersonian era + unit 5: Jacksonian era

  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    It was a time that was called the revolution of 1800. It was just a rematch between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson ended up winning with Aaron Burr as vice presedent.
  • Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Decision

    Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Decision
    It began the exercise of the judical review. Marbury patitiond the court to let James Madison deliver the documents.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The United States paid a grand total of $15 million dollars for the Louisiana territory. During the time France was incontrol of the area.
  • Lewis & Clark reach the Pacific Ocean

    Lewis & Clark reach the Pacific Ocean
    This was the first overland expadition in the U.S. This lead to building on the Pacific NorthEast.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This treaty was the treaty to end the war of 1812, which was signed in Ghent or modern day Belgium. The British paid the U.S. 350,000 for black slaves a few years after the war
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President (1st Term)

    Andrew Jackson Elected President (1st Term)
    He was a military commander with the name Old Hickory. He was also a supporter of slavery.