
A Journey to Unsolved Mysteries

By mymy_12
  • In War of 1818, the Treaty of Joint Occupation of Oregon was a result for that agreement and was renewed in 1827.

  • Period: to

    Oregon Territory

  • The Adams-Onis Treaty establishes the 42nd parallel as the southern boundary of the Oregon Country.

    February 22, 1819
  • Oregon Treaty peacefully designates the 49th parallel as the northern boundary of the United States.

    Oregon Treaty peacefully designates the 49th parallel as the northern boundary of the United States.
  • A measles epidemic spreads among Indians of the Columbia Plateau; Whitman Massacre; Cayuse War

  • The forthy-ninth parallel at the boundary of Oregon Country and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo brought future western states under the American flag.

  • Congress creates the Oregon Territory.

    Congress creates the Oregon Territory.
  • The Congress made treaties whenever necessary with the Indians in the Oregon Territory

  • Oregon becomes the 33rd state in the Union as a free state.