Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The Homestead act was passed by Congress.It gave settlers who lived on the land for 5 years were given 160 acres of land as long as they payed a fee. Homestead means to when you settle on land you earn the ownership of it. Adding homestead in states attracted thousands of settlers. If women weere married, they did not have the right to claim land. Although windows and single women had the right to homestead as much as men did.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    Between the years 1865 to 1867, the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors were all in a various amount of attacks. On the 21st of December in 1866 the Fetterman Massacre incident happend that made history as the bloodiest. Hundreds of warriors took out the detachment.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    The treaty of Fort Laramie was made to make the effort of bringing peace between the Sioux and the whites. George Custer led a group of people to the Black hills to search for gold and once it was found they moved to Sioux hunting grounds and demanded the protection of the United States Army. Still to this day the Black hill is owned by the United States government and the Sioux.The U.S promised to stay out of the black hills as long as the Native American promised to stop attacking.
  • Discovery of 1874

    Discovery of 1874
    Custer lead a group of people on journey, in 1874, to identify if the stories of the Black Hills were true. The stories stated that there was gold "from the grass roots down." The stories were true, and gold was found. The government tried to buy the hills but the leader of the Lakota Sioux, Sitting Bull, did not accept.
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    Sitting Bull and another Sioux leader, Crazy Horse, got together warriors at the Little Bighorn River. The U.S Army then ordered the warriors to be moved to reservations. George Custer, led the 7th Cavalry and wanted to be the leader of a major victory so he planned to attack the native americans. He didnt realize how strong they really were his plan was backfired and the Native Americans defeated George Custer and his warriors.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    The Ghost Dance was used to show the culture of the Sioux that was being destroyed. .As this ritual started to spead out, resevations officials choose to ban the occasion. They thought that the cheif, Sitting Bull, was in charge of the ritual so police decided to go the his camp and arrest him, Although, during all the commotion Sitting Bull was shot.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    A creek in the southwestern of South Dakota. After Sitting Bulls death this is the meeting place of the hundreds of Sioux. This is where the army met to gather up all of the weapons that belonged to the Sioux. How the fight started is still a mystery. All that is known is a gun shot was fired and the army fired once they heard the shot. 25 soliders were killed and more than 200 Sioux were as well. This was the ending point of the problems within the Native Americans and the whites.