Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862
    This act stated that settlers that lived on their land for 5 years and paid a fee, could be given 160 fee acres. This brought a lot of people to the Plain's. Many people were new settlers , and some of them were immigrants. If the immigrants were in the process of becoming a citizen, they were qualified for this act. All single women and widows were also qualified for this act, but married women were not.
  • Fetterman Massacre

    Fetterman Massacre
    This event took place at a fort on Bozeman Trail. On December 21, 1866, the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors started to fight the United States. Crazy Horse was part of the Sioux and tricked the other side and it turned into the bloodiest battle. In the end, the Native Americans won.
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    Treaty of Fort Laramie
    Durng a conference at Fort Lamarie in 1868, there ws a treaty that was signed. The treaty was named the Treaty of Fort Laramie because it was signed there. The treaty was created to help American's and Native American's have more peace. It stated that the Black Hill's are to be part of the Native American reservation. This means that is only the Native American's land. It could be all their's if they stopped fighting the American's.
  • Discovery of 1874

    Discovery of 1874
    The Discovery of 1874 was a discovery of gold. Colonel Custer lead an army exebition to the area that supposedly had gold. When it was found to have gold, people wanted to come and the Sious started to protest. Instead of the government considering it part of their rights, they tried to buy the hills. The Sioux didn't want to sell them, and this argument turned into the Battle of Little Bighorn.
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    This battle was between the Native American's and the American's. It occured in what is now Montana. During this battle, Colonel George Custer was on the Americans side and took 250 men to fight. But suprisingly, the Native Americans has thousands and the Americans ended up losing.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    The Ghost Dance was a ritual that's main purpose was to express the Native American's culture. Their culture was being destroyed and they wanted to save it. The reservation officials became alarmed by the dance and decided to ban it. To help try to stop the ritual, the police shot Sitting Bull, who was the leader of the movement. This incident eventually turned into the battle of Wounded Knee.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    This battle happened at a creek named Wounded Knee and was in what is now, South Dakota. It is a mystery to who started the fighting, but it was between the Native American's and the American's. At the end of this battle, 200 Sioux were died and only 25 soldiers died. This battle also was the end of the armed battles between the Native American's and the American's. In the end, the American's had won.