colont project troy schwab bell 5

By schwab7
  • Virginia

    The London Company founded virginia.
  • Massachusetts

    the Massachusetts bay company
  • Maryland

    Lord Baltimore Founded maryland.
  • Rhode Island

    Roger Williams founded rhode island.
  • Connecticut

    Thomas Hooker founded Connecticut
  • Carlonia

    Propriators made this coplony.
  • New York

    the Duke of York founded New York.
  • New Jersey

    sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley founded this colony.
  • New Hampshire

    John Wheelwright founded New Hampshire.
  • pennsylvania

    William Penn founded this colony.
  • Deleware

    William Penn founded this colony.
  • North Carolina

    Colonists wanted more protection so this colony was founded.
  • South Carolina

    Colonists wanted more protection so this colony was founded.
  • Georgia

    James oglethorpe was the first to colonize Georgia.