Colonies Project Sophie Calvin Bell #3

  • 1607 Jamestown, Virginia

    The Virginia Company of London founded Virginia in 1607. A major political characteristic for Virginia was the House of Burgesses. An economic trait is the fact that natives grew tabacco for money.
  • 1629 Massachusetts

    The colony of Massachusetts was founded by The Massachusetts Bay Company in 1629. A political characteristic was the fact that they had a representative self government. Also, the Puritan work ethic contributed to the colony's rapid growth and success.
  • Maryland 1634

    Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore in 1634. Growing tabacco was a major economic characteristic as well as indentured servants.
  • 1636 Rhode Island

    Rhode Island was founded in 1636 by Roger Williams. People in this colony believed that church and state should be kept apart.
  • 1636 Connecticut

    Connecticut was founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker. One important political characteristic was that they were entitled to the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.
  • 1664 New York

    New York was founded in 1664 by the Duke of York. This colony had rich soil and mild winters which were good for farming.
  • 1664 New Jersey

    New Jersey was founded in 1664 by Sir George Carteret and Lord John Berkeley. This colony had large land grants.
  • 1679 New Hampshire

    New Hampshire was founded in 1679 by John Wheelright. This colony had a representative self government.
  • 1681 Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was founded in 1681 by William Penn. This colony had long grwing seasons and fertile soil. Also, Quaker values and Penn's policies helped poor immigrants become rich.
  • North Carolina 1691

    North Carolina was founded in 1691 by colonists who rebeled against proprietors. An economic characteristic is that they exported rice.
  • 1701 Delaware

    Delaware was founded in 1701 by William Penn.
  • South Carolina 1729

    South Carolina was also founded in 1729 by colonists who rebeled against proprietors. The economy in South Carolina consisted of growing cash crops.
  • 1733 Georgia

    Georgia was founded in 1733 by James Oglethorpe. There was no slavery in this colony. Also, Oglethorpe had many strict rules.