APUSH timeline 1

  • Period: Aug 3, 1492 to Oct 12, 1492


    Sailed for Spain, 7 years to get funding, He wanted 1/10 of anything gained, to pay no taxes, and 1/8 all shipping. AUGUST 3, set out for Spain, October 12, struck land. Discovered "Indians", gold. Established Port Navidad.
  • May 4, 1493

    Pope issues Bull of Demarcation

    The Pope, Alexander VI was a spaniard himself, and granted the newly discovered lands to be the Spanish Crown's in the 3 Bulls issued on May 4, 1493. These Bulls were much in Spain's favor, and deprived the Portugese of almost all priveleges previously given to them in the Bulls of 1452, 1454, 1481, and 1484.
  • May 20, 1506

    Columbus' Death

    Columbus died in 1506. His funding for his exploration ended shortly before, due to the Queen's death.
  • Sep 25, 1513


    Balboa was the first explorer to see the Pacific Ocean, and he was the first to cross the Isthmus of Panama.
  • May 15, 1519


    Cortes discovers the Aztec empire and is mistaken for a god. Montezuma allows Cortes and his army into their empire, and it begins a bloody war, and leads to the demise of the Aztec people.
  • Nov 16, 1532


    Pizzaro conquers the Incan Empire and desimated the Native population. He executed Atahualpa, the Incan leader.
  • Mayflower

    The Mayflower left England for America.
  • Mayflower Compact

    After 66 days at sea, the men of the Mayflower gathered in the cabin and wrote the Mayflower Compact, one of the earliest forms of government.
  • Thanksgiving

    In the Fall of 1621, the colonists celebrated their first Thangsgiving with the Indians.
  • Great Migration

    The Great Migration was caused by issues with the King and Parliament, and many people migrated from England to the Americas.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

    This is the War that caused britain to end salutary neglect, which pushed colonists into revolution.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This was issued by King George III to prohibit settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains and to end exploitative purchases of American Indian land.
  • Paxton Boys

    During the Pontiac Uprising, the Paxton boys slaughtered 20 innocent Conestoga indians.
  • Sugar Act

    Parliament passed a tax on molasses and sugar. If caught smuggling, colonists were tried in Nova Scottia, where they had to prove their innocence.
  • Currency Act

    This act prohibited the colonists from using their own paper money, and instead, they had to use SPECIE.
  • Stamp Act

    This act put a tax on ALL paper. This act created much tension and controversy. The colonists boycotted and claimed they were being taxed without representation. There was much political hazing due to this act.
  • Quartering Act

    This act stated that colonists must supply the soldiers with munitions, barracks, and food.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    9 of 13 states showed up to the meeting and they voted NOT to fight for representation or the right to vote themselves. All of their protests were successful.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    The law was repealed due to the colonist's protests.
  • Declaratory Act

    Britain said that they had the right to tax and impose laws on the colonists whether they had representation or not.
  • Townshend Acts

    Put colonial governers on pay role, tax on lead, paint, glass, tea
  • Boston Massacre

    British soldiers randomly fired into a crowd of protesters killing 5 people. This provoked colonists and helped lead up to the revolution.
  • Battle at Saratoga

    turning point in the war, persuades French to form alliance with colonies, The French provide troops, supplies, weapons, and a navy.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The articles of confederation were proposed in 1777 as the ruling form of government but were refused by Maryland. They became official in 1781. The govt. was a one branch legislation and gave the federal government little to no power.
  • Peace of Paris

    This ended the war, established MI River as western boundary of US, recognized the US as independent, and states the British must evacuate forts in N.W.
  • Land Ordinance 1785

    The old N.West was divided between 3-5 states, adopted New England township system of land survey, plot #16 put aside for school.
  • Annapolis Convention

    Only 5 out of 13 states present, Propose reconvene Continental Congress in 1787 to revise Articles.
  • Great compromise

    2 house legislature, Senate has equal representation and the Lower house (House of Representatives) has representation based on population.
  • North West Ordinance of 1787

    To have territorial legislation, 60,000 residents, 5,000 being adult males, are required. Statehood is forbidden to have slavery and encouraged to have public education.
  • Constitution Signed

    Members of the Constitutional Convention signed the constitution and it became our ruling law.
  • French Revolution

    The exact date in unclear. France declared war on England. We issued the Proclaimation of Neutrality.
  • Naval Act 1794

    established the first naval force, to protect from Barbary pirates, and French/British ship raids
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    result of Hamilton's tax on Whiskey, used as currency sometimes, Western Pennsylvania, Farmers refused to pay tax, beat up tax collectors, G. Washington gets 15000 soldiers and march them as far as western Pennsylvania, rebellion is over, extreme show of force, this govt. is not a pushover, enforce its' laws, expensive but point made
    Importance- first real test of govt.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    the final battle of the Northwest Indian War, a struggle between American Indian tribes affiliated with the Western Confederacy and the United States for control of the Northwest Territory
  • Jay's Treaty

    John Jay sent to England to meet British govt. about Brits in forts, Brits messing with our ships, established that britain had 2 years to evacuate forts and we had to pay back debts, put dead line on it and reiterated, John Jay strong federalist, seen as giving Brits more than we got out of it, strongly disliked
  • Treaty of Greenville

    natives give up huge chunk of land in Ohio, $20,000 worth, promised that this is the land US wants, Indians can have rest. (We don't stick to treaty)
  • Pinckney's Treaty

    signed between US and Spanish, believed US and Britain were going to aline to attack Spain, and so they gave the US right of Deposit at new Orleans.
  • XYZ Affair

    the officials demand US pay 250, 000 dollars to meet with Tallyrand, millions for defense but not a cent for tribute, felt we'd end up fighting France and get alliance with Britain, John Adams still refuses
  • Alien Enemies Act

    resident alien (without citizenship) could be deported if they were considered threat to peace of US
  • Sedition Acts

    people could be jailed or fined for being critical of govt. or inciting riot or protest, get Republican leaders out of the way, over 20 newspaper editors put in jail because articles were critical of govt.
  • Convention of 1800

    Napoleon Bonaparte meets with US, voided French alliance, form trade agreement
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Background of the Case-creates 16 new jobs and appoints 16 new federalists on last day of his term (Adams), Jefferson decided not to deliver appointments, one was for William Marbury, Madison secretary of State, upon not receiving appointment Marbury sued and heard by supreme court,
    The Ruling- said creation was unconstitutional, had there been vacancies then Madison would have been obligated to deliver them, established precedent of Judicial review: supreme court can determine acts constitutio
  • Louisiana Purchase

    1800 Treaty made to give it from spain to france, didn't actually happen until 1803, in 1802 Spain took away US right of deposit, sent delegate to Paris to negotiate purchase of New Orleans, The French say how much will you give me for all of Louisiana, US agrees to try and purchase whole thing, 4million-rejected, 12 million +3 million in French debt=15 million, 3 cents an acre, doubles size of country, more than annual federal budget, controversial, couldn't justify it, Jefferson suggests we
  • Chesapeake Incident

    worst instance of impressment, USS Chesapeake US ship in sight of American Coast, British stopped Chesapeake and requested permission to search for deserters, the say no and they start fire and board and impress 3 people, one African American, one guy born in Maryland, British deserter
  • Embargo of 1807

    put into effect, not trading with anyone, all foreign trade cut off,punishing themselves, limiting their own resources, gross over estimate of importance of US, didn't matter as much as we thought we did.
    Reactions to the Embargo- People didn't like it, wanted immediate results
    Reasons for the failure of the Embargo-it hurts us more than Europe, didn't give it time to be effective
    Results of the Embargo- Negative results, spurred development of manufacturing