• Conception (Physical)

    Physical: Every human being begins life as a single cell, formed when a sperm from a male fertilises a mother's egg. Fertilisation normally takes place in the mother's Fallopian tube, which connects the uterus (womb)
  • Pregnancy birth and infancy 0-3 years (Physical)

    Physical: Between birth and 3 years, babies grow the strengths to learn how to roll, crawl, stand, walk, and run. They learn to talk, joke, rhyme, and sing. Muscle development starts from head to toe. A child will first develop control over the neck muscles.
  • Pregnancy birth and infancy 0-3 years (Intellectual)

    Intellectual: Babies are born ready to communicate and interact with other individuals especially adults. At a very young age a baby will start to communicate in language for example expressing their feelings and needs through gestures
  • Pregnancy birth and infancy 0-3 years (Social)

    Social: In the first couple of years babies are exposed to family members, and other close family friends. Family provide a solid base of self-esteem and confidence, in order to build a stronger social relationship with other individuals.
  • Pregnancy birth and infancy 0-3 years (Emotional)

    Emotional: Babies are usually born with some of their emotions. During the first year of life it is good to give a baby love, warmth and care, to help them gain the sense of being safe and also welcoming. The sense of being safe is a good base for the development of other healthy emotional responses.
  • Childhood 4-10 years (Physical)

    Physical: At this stage children between 4-10 will enjoy physical activities and will love the fact that they have the strengths to run, jump, climb, dance, ride their three-wheeled bikes and swing. In this age group it is important that children do things safely and under supervision, also in this age group a child’s brain growth will slower down the physical growth also slows, but their height spurts occur.
  • Childhood 4-10 years (Intellectual)

    Intellectual: The development of brain and mind is all part of childhood. Children start to become interested in everything, for example by asking questions and getting answers that the children will learn rapidly about his/her environment and culture for example costumes and practices of the society in which he or she lives.
  • Childhood 4-10 years (Social)

    Social: Some children are very good at developing social relationships. Other will be good at keeping a few close friends for a short time. During childhood a child learns to become friends with other, he/she learn the importance of a good relationships in some environments
  • Childhood 4-10 years (Emotional)

    Emotional: Children have to cope with their own feelings and feelings of others in the same way they have to learn new skills and how to behave such as table manners. Children learn to cope with their emotions through playing and bonding with other children
  • Adolescence 11-18 years (Physical)

    Physical: In this age group changes happen. The hormones secreted by the puberty gland. These changes stimulate the production of oestrogen for girls and testosterone for boys.
    Boys: their voice break and become deeper, their bodies start to grow for example they become much taller, also growing hair in embarrassing place and facial hair, wet dreams and erections. Girls: growth of under-arm hair, body and public hair and also menstrual periods.
  • Adolescence 11-18 years (Intellectual)

    Intellectual: Teenagers are able to imagine and think about things they have never seen or done before they can imagine their future and how they might achieve things in the future. Children are less able to plan and think ahead in this way. Teenagers can solve problems in the same manner as adults but some just choose not to.
  • Adolescence 11-18 years (Social)

    Social: Teenagers become increasingly independent of their families. Instead they become much more dependent on their friends or peer group to provide support and advice. Teenagers have a strong desire to belong to a group, and this is mainly shown through their clothing and interests. Between the ages of 11-18 years of age, most teenagers begin to explore their sexuality which means testing out relationships and even having sexual behaviour with other individuals
  • Adolescence 11-18 years (Emotional)

    Emotional: Emotions are often important during the teenager years, hormones may be out of balances in some cases, and this can lead to mood swings or aggressive behaviour. The moods end up settling down as the teenagers get older, however while the mood swings last they can make caring for individuals in this age group very difficult.
  • Adulthood 19-65 (Physical)

    Physical: Adults in this age have to be very careful because There are many number of age related changes to become apparent as we grow up. Some individuals develop the need of wearing glasses for reading and writing, some individual tend to lose hearing during their late adulthood, and some , adult’s hair colour change into grey, some even lose their hair which is mostly common in men. At the age of 45-55 years women will stop having periods because of the menopause.
  • Adulthood 19-65 (Social)

    Social: At the early ages of this stage in life is when individuals tend to have a network of personal friends. Young adults establish sexual relationships and partnership. Partnership and marriage are very important in social life which is often associated with adulthood. At this stage it is also important for adults to obtain paid employment as it is a social issue for adults.
  • Adulthood 19-65 (Emotional)

    Emotional: Individual self-esteem will continue to develop throughout adulthood. During adulthood some individuals struggle to develop confidence to share life with a partner, some individuals prefer to live alone and some individuals may feel as if having a partner or being in a relationship is too demanding. Individual’s family experience can strongly influence their expectations of having a partner.
  • Older Adults 65+ (Phyical)

    Physical: At this stage of life, many things become weaker, and many things take twice as long to do for the adults for example:
    • Breathing and circulation become weaker
    • Skin becomes less elastic (signs of aging)
    • Muscles become weaker
    • Muscles and skin joins and bones become less flexible, individuals become less mobile
    • Develop problems with arthritis
    • Risks of any sort of diseases
    Life at the age of 65 usually involves slowing down if physical activities.
  • Older Adults 65+ (Intellectual)

    Intellectual: Individuals at this stage become less able to solve problems and cope with difficulties. Other individuals who enjoy a good health and exercise their mind keep their mental abilities and continue to develop the knowledge. Some older individuals increase their ability to make wise decisions; the development of wisdom may increase at this age. The risk of having any disease can increase in this age.
  • Older Adults 65+ (Social)

    Social: Older individuals lead varied and different lives. Many retired people have a greater opportunity for meeting and making new friends that they did while they were working. A network of family and friends can provide vital practical and emotional support. Health problems and impairments can sometimes cause social isolation. They will have more relationships with people the same age as them; they will also take their norms and beliefs into more consideration. This will make them think more
  • Final Stage of life (Social)

    Social: At this stage people think about death and dying in different ways. Some individuals are scared of death and try not to think about it at all, and others have strong religious beliefs which tell them not to worry about it. Older people tend to think and be less sacred of death, some older people may prepare for their death by achieving things in their lives that they have been wanting to do all their life. Individuals who are facing death want their family and friends around for comfort
  • Final Stage of life (Emotional)

    Emotional: Some older individuals may get up set emotionally because they are sacred of dying and leaving their loved once and letting them go through the grief of the fact that they are going to die sometime soon, because they have hit the time in life were they can no longer help themselves. Some individuals may beg one of their loved once to just let them go, so that everyone else can get on with their lives and not keep on looking after the elderly person who is going to pass away soon.
  • Older Adults 65+ (Emotional)

    Emotional: Individuals continue to develop their sense of self as life progresses. The main sense of old age is keeping their sense of self-esteem despite the problems that can occur. Some old individuals have a risk of losing their self-confidence and self-esteem because of the way other people treat them. Old age individuals will have a good manner of behaviour, and they will also have a good bonding relationship with their grandchildren
  • Final Stage of life (Physical)

    Physical: There are main different types of theories to explain why we age and die, one reason for this is the cells that make up our body have to renew themselves, but they can only do this at limited number of times. In the end body cells start to have problems as they are renewing themselves and other cells end up dying and causing illnesses for individuals. We end up losing vital patters to our body and then we eventually end up dying.
  • Adulthood 19-65 (Intellectual)

    Intellectual: Intellectual development may increase in this age group, only if the individual exercises. Some older adults may have a slower reaction to things, but increase knowledge may give back for this in many work situations. Older adults are more skilled then younger adults and teenagers when it comes to making complex decisions.