history of psychology

  • Dualism

    The concept that the mind and body are seperate became popular in the 1600s.
  • Rene Descartes

    Disagreed with dualism, and thought that the mind controlled the body's movements, sensations, and perceptions.
  • Phrenology

    Became an important practice
  • First Class in Psychology

    WIlliam "the father of psychology" James taught first class at Harvard University.
  • First Lab

    Wilhelm Vundt started his Laboratory of Psychology
  • Book about Heredity

    In 1883, Galton published a book about heredity and developement
  • The Principles of Psychology

    It took William James 12 years to write the first textbook about psychology.
  • Sigmond Freud

    Sigmond Freud began his research on he unconscious mind in Vienna
  • Dream Analysis

    Freud learned about urges in a dream analysis
  • Walden Two

    Skiner wrote a novel called Walden Two which described his Utopia
  • Cognitivists

    Cognitivists developed
  • Cognitivists

    focused on how we process, store, and use information
  • Humanists

    Described human nature as evolving and self-directed
  • Research

    Researchers divided hospitlized psychiatric patients into two groups
  • Hilgard

    Published the idea that modern science began to emerge by combining philosophers reflections
  • Leonard Doob

    illustratedthe cultural implications of a simple reflexive behavior