
Native American Battles and Treaties in the Plains

  • Sioux Uprising

    Sioux Uprising
    MankatoIn Mankato Minnesota, 38 Native American men, mostly chiefs and warriors, were sentenced to death. Originally 303 Native Americans were sentenced to death, but Abraham Lincoln reduced that number to 38. Chief Little Crow was the leader of Indian Tribe at the time.
  • Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868

    Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868
    Sioux Treaty Also called the Sioux Treaty, the treaty at Fort Laramie gave the Lakota, Sioux, and Arapaho Indian Nations the Black Hills, or Paha Sapa. Whites were not allowed to hunt in the area. This would end Red Cloud's War.
  • Paha Sapa Fued

    Paha Sapa Fued
    Gold Rush When the Gold Rush started in 1874, General Custer led his calvary into the Black Hills, which the Native Americans knew as Paha Sapa. According to the treaty at Fort Laramie, Paha Sapa was left for the Native Americans to hunt, and would be theirs. This was contradicting to the treaty that Red Cloud signed at Fort Laramie in 1868.
  • The Battle of Little Big Horn

    The Battle of Little Big Horn
    Battle at Little Bighorn Also known as Custers Last Stand. This battle would go down in history as when General Custer died. Sitting Bull is famous for seeing a vision of the victory, but warriors like Crazy Horse are remembered for fighting the battle.
  • Sitting Bull's Death

    Sitting Bull's Death
    Sitting Bull The site of Sitting Bull's death. They were attempting to arrest Sitting Bull and during the struggle, he was killed. Sitting Bull had such influence on other Native American tribes, some think it's what sprung the outcome of Wounded Knee
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    Big Foot Following the killing of Sitting Bull, Big Foot took command of the final band of fighting Lakota (Sioux). They were trapped at Wounded Knee Creek and destroyed by the U.S. Army. There are a couple different versions of what really happened, but the Lakota were massacred by the calvary, following a Ghost Dance.