Stamp Act

  • Jamestown

  • Indentured Servants

    People who paid his or her way into America, for period of years.
  • John Smith

    an adventerous explorer, mapmaker, and soldier.
    President of the concil of settlers in 1608.
  • Puritans

    People whovwanted to purify the Anglican Church.
  • Pilgrams

    First English settlers in Massachusetts left England de to religious conflicts.
  • merchantilsm

  • Enlightment

    Revolution in ideas that swept across Europe in the 1700s
  • Bacons Rebellion

  • Glorious Revolution

  • Great Awakening

  • Sugar Act

  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act placed a tax on printed matter of all kinds: advertisements, diplomas, legal documents, newpapers, and playing cards.
  • Articles of Confederation

    was the first constitution of the United States of America and specified how the national government was to operate.
  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Great Compromise

    Agreement worked out at the Constitutional Convention; granted each state an equal voice in the upper house of the legislature and representation according to population in the lower house.
  • Virgina Plan

    Plan drafed by Jame Madison at the Constitutional Convention that shifted power away from the states and toward the central goverment.
  • Slave System

    As cotton plantations spread throughout the South, the number of slaves in the South also grew - from half a million in 1790 to nearly 4 million in 1860. Cotton cultivation required a great deal of labor.
  • Southern Society

  • North Society

  • Thomas Jefferson

  • Judicial review

    John Marshall established many basic principles of U.S. constitutional law. Among these was the principle of judicial review
  • Louisiana Purchase

    U.S. purchase of French land between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains that has been called the largest land deal in history.
  • John Marshall

    Marshall established many basic principles of U.S. constitutional law. The principle of judicial review - the power of the courts to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional.
  • Lewis and Clark

    was the first overland expedition undertaken by the United States to the Pacific coast and back.