
Democratic Party

  • The democratic Party was founded on 1792

    The democratic Party was founded on 1792
    Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic Party in 1792
  • who started the democratic party?

    who started the democratic party?
    Thomas Jefferson started the democratic party
  • What was going in the country that led the to the formation of a new political party?

    What was going in the country that led the to the formation of a new political party?
    congressional caucus to fight for the Bill of Rights and against the elitist Federalist Party.
  • financial panic

    financial panic
    the financial panic of 1819, which cultivated newfound suspicion of neo-Federalist economic policies
  • slavery

    democrats who had rule the south quicky became pro-slavery
  • Domestic Issues

    Domestic Issues
    Gun control, Crime, Drugs, Civil rights, Jobs, and Enviroment.
  • Social Issues

    Social Issues
    Education, Health Care, Abortion, Families and Childern Corporations, & Principle and Values
  • Number of Democrats

    Number of Democrats
    256-260 in the house and 58 in the senate.
  • influence people

    influence people
    Hillary Cliton, Barack Obama, Mike Gravel, Joe Biden, Denuis Kucimich
  • Values of the Party

    Values of the Party
    Making Contributions, Protecting Civile Rights, Affordable Health Care for all Americans, Honest And Accountable Government, & Retirment Security.
  • International issues

    International issues
    Foreign Poicy, Homeland Security, War and Peace, Free trade, Immigration, and Energy And Oil
  • Economic issues

    Economic issues
    Budget and Economy, Goverment Reform, Tax Reform, Social Security, Walfare and Poverty, & Technology and Infrastructure.