Michelangelo buonarroti

Michelangelo: Tegan Bondy

By bmstech
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Michelangelo was born

    Michelangelo was born
  • Jan 1, 1494

    The Medici Was overthrown

    The Medici Was overthrown
    The real date is unknown, but the year is correct.
  • Sep 15, 1501

    Michelangelo started building David

    Michelangelo started building David
    Michelangelo was commisioned to biuld a statue of David, the biblical hero
  • Jan 1, 1505

    Returned to Rome to work on the tomb of Julius II

    Returned to Rome to work on the tomb of Julius II
    Date i unklnown, year is correct.
  • Apr 1, 1506

    Michelangelo fled Rome

    Michelangelo fled Rome
  • Jan 1, 1508

    Painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling

    Painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling
    date is unknown. year is correct
  • Jun 3, 1513

    Julius II died

    The real date is unknown. But the year is correct. Michelangelo was Julius II's Successor
  • Jan 1, 1530

    Put aside artistic pursuits

    Put aside artistic pursuits
    Date is unknown, year is ciorrect.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Michelangelo left florence for the last time

    Michelangelo left florence for the last time
    date is unknown, year is correct
  • Feb 18, 1564

    Michelangelo Died in Rome, Italy

    Michelangelo Died in Rome, Italy
    Michelangelo died of a fever he got. He was 88 when he died