Spa baby tub

1-12 months development

  • 1 month

    1 month
    S: coo's and babbles. May cry a lot, but quiets down at sight of caregiver's face or sound of voice, or when lifted or touched.

    E: Babies watch their mothers very closely. Often, this is the first sign of interest in babies.
  • 2-3 months

    2-3 months
    S: Begins to smile and show excitement. Eyes can follow moving objects. Wants companionship. May like being tickled. Maintains brief eye contact while being fed. Makes deffierent crying sounds for different needs. Can tell a smile from a frown.
    E: Very young babies express any discomfort or unhappiness by crying.
  • 4-6 months

    4-6 months
    S: Turns to sound of familiar voices. Laughs, squeals, babbles. Can tell the difference between family members. Reaches out with hands and arms to play. May cry when left alone.
    E: JOY - Babies show joy by smiling, perhaps in response to an adult who is making funny faces at them. DISGUST - Babies begin to show their dislikes very clearly.
  • 7-8months

    S: Tires to imitate sounds made by adults. Plays alone and plays longer with other people and toys. Enjoys other children. Begins to experiernce stranger anxiety and clings to familiar caregivers.
    E: Begins to show fear as they learn to recognize situations they perceive as threat.
  • 9-10 months

    9-10 months
    S: Responds to "no" and own name. Says simple words such as "no" "bye-bye" "dada" and "mama". Objects if a toy is taken away. Crawls around to look for parents. Enjoys playing "peek-a-boo" and sound games.
    E: Show more specific emotions- anger, sadness, happy, etc.
  • 11-12months

    S: Infants who cry when parents leave them are not trying to be unreasonible, they are still unable to see anyone elses point of view.
    E: Infants fear of being away from parents is at its peak. Many experience seperation anxiety when parents leave.