London eye

The London Eye Mystry Aidan Helie

By ahelie
  • Exposition 1 Backround

    Exposition 1  Backround
    Ted and Kat are brother and sister that live in london. But they have many differentses.
  • Exposition 2 setting

    Exposition 2  setting
    the setting of The london eye is of corce in london.
  • Exposition 3 character

    Ted is 13 and is intested in wather. Kat is 14 and likes to skip school.
  • Rising action 3

    Ted and Kat decide to bring salim to the london eye. But ant glo deose not like the idea.
  • rising action 2

    rising action 2
    When they give Salim the ticket to get on they do not see him get off,
  • rising action climax 1

    Ted and Kats cosin salim has goten lost on the london Eye
  • rising action 4

    rising action 4
    Whin they look at the picture of the london eye pod they to not see Salim.
  • rising action 5

    rising action 5
    When the police first thought they found salim it was not him.
  • rising action 6

    rising action 6
    When they finaly find the man that sold them the ticket he has no idea Where salim is.
  • climax

    Even though they did not find salim they hve found his best freind marcus. Which he knows every thing of what hapan.
  • rising action 7

    rising action 7
    Once again the police thought they found salim. but it is not salim
  • falling action 1

    They have figerd out how salim disapered.
  • falling acttion 2

    Ted has ffigured out where salim went off to
  • falling action 3

    They find salim in a old hotal. Where he has been the whole time.
  • falling action 4

    Aun glo and salim will still go to new york to gether
  • resollution 1

    Ant glo and salim promise to viset more often.
  • resulotion 2

    resulotion 2
    Ted finds out that he has a few more friends then when h started out.