Haiti earthquake

By drizzzy
  • Dec 5, 1492


    1. 1492 - Haiti began on December 5, 1492 when the European navigator Christopher Columbus happened upon a large island in the region of the western Atlantic Ocean that later came to be known as the Caribbean Sea.
    2. It was inhabited by the Taino, an Arawakan people, who variously called their island Aviti, Bohio, or Kiskeya. Columbus promptly claimed the island for the Spanish crown, and renamed it the Spanish island.
  • Period: Dec 5, 1492 to

    Haiti timespan

  • 1697

    1. 1697- Spanish control over the colony ends with the Treaty of Ryswick, which divided the island into French-controlled St. Domingue and Spanish Santo Domingo.
    2. For over 100 years the colony of St. Domingue (known as the Pearl of the Antilles) was France's most important overseas territory, which supplied it with sugar, rum, coffee and cotton. At the height of slavery, near the end of the 18th century, some 500,000 people mainly of western African origin were enslaved by the French.
  • 1804

    1. 1804- The hemisphere’s second Republic is declared on January 1, 1804 by General Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
    2. Haiti, or Ayiti in Creole, is the name given to the land by the former Taino-Arawak peoples, meaning "mountainous country." Emperor jean- Jacques Dessalines is then assassinated in 1806.
  • 1807-20

    1. 1807-20- War racks the country, which divides into the northern kingdom of Henri Christophe and the southern republic governed by Alexandre Pétion.
    2. Faced with a rebellion by his own army, Christophe commits suicide, paving the way for Jean-Pierre Boyer to reunify the country and become President of the entire republic in 1820.
  • 1838

    1. 1838- France recognizes Haitian independence in exchange for a financial indemnity of 150 million francs.
    2. Most nations including the United States shunned Haiti for almost forty years, fearful that its example could stir unrest there and in other slaveholding countries. Over the next few decades Haiti is forced to take out loans of 70 million francs to repay the indemnity and gain international recognition.
  • 2010

    On January 12th, 2010, tragedy stuck in port au prince, haiti. This was the worst earthquake in over 200 years. The earthquake was a 7.0 magnitude, after the quake there was a reported 12 after shocks of over a 5.0 magnitude. There was a reported 230,000 people died and an additional 300,000 people injured, and 1,000,000 people made homeless. They also estimated that 250,000 residences and 30,000 commercial buildings had collapsed or were severely damaged.