
Toddlers Timeline

  • birth

  • 13 to15 months

    13 to15 months
    At 13 months the baby maybe able to stand alone without support for a short period of time.
    Also, may cruise and take steps while holding onto parents' hands.
    In addition to, they may crawl forward or backward with varying speeds.
    Intellectual: At this age they may begin to form concepts and notice actions of other children and adults.
    Also, love to mimic all actions and explore different futures of objects as if studying them.
    They slowly increase vocabulary to four to six words and babbles.
  • 16 to 18 months

    16 to 18 months
    at 16 and 18 months they will be able to push and pull large toys around the floor. also they may be able to walk into balls but is unable to kick the ball. may adds hand gestures to spoken language.
    Intellectual: The baby remembers where objects belong and begins to figure things out through thought process.
    Also, the baby may ahve a short attention span and may try to imitate the ways parents use objects.
    Understands more words than capable of saying.
  • 4 Year Old

    Physical: Hops on one foot and copies a circle and a cross
    Emotional:Quite celf-centered and can be defiant, loud, and bossy.
    Social: Form friendships with their playmate and bossy and inconsiderate.
  • 19 to 21 months

    19 to 21 months
    What to expectphysical: at this time in age the baby can fold piece of paper once imitating demostration. also uses one hand more then the other. squats easily in play.
    intellectual: the baby is intrested in tiny things such as bugs and has a vocabulary of about 20 words. also they enjoy hearing nursery rymes.
  • 22 to 24 months

    22 to 24 months
    Milestonesphysical: the baby can throw ball into basket and can old crayon with thumb and fingers. also can seat self in small chair eith ease.
    intellectual: at this age has vocabulary of 50 or more wods and is intrested in sound reptition. also may distinguish between one and many and will folllow simople directions.
  • 24 to 30 months

    24 to 30 months
    physical: the baby can kick ball foward and can throw ball over head but without aim. at this age they can open dorrs by turning knobs. also can soap hands and arms easily
    intelluctual: uses two-word sentences and uses words to make request. also can follow two step commands and like sto imitate drawings of older children.
  • 30 to 36 months

    30 to 36 months
    physical: Likes to be constant motion, running or walking sideways or backwards. And goes upstairs by alternating feet but, goes downstairs one foot at a time. Also scribbles and draw circles as well as horizontal and vertical lines and builds towers of 6 or more blocks.
    Intellectual: The baby classifies objects into general catergories and becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together. Also, creates 2-3 word sentences and starts to use to use past tense and plurals.
  • 4 Year Old

    4 Year Old
    Physical: Hops on one foot and cuts on line with scissors
    Emotional:Quite celf-centered and can be defiant, impatient, and bossy
    Social: Form friendships with their playmates and constantly seeking approval
    Activity:Spying the ABC's: While in the car ask your child to look at license plates and buildings to find the letters of the alphabet in order.
  • 5 Year Old

    5 Year Old
    Physical: Turns somersaults and buttons clothing
    Emotional: Emotionally impulsive and views himself/herself as a whole person
    Social: Outgoing and develops more respect for others' belongings.
    Activity:Marching Band: Make some instruments using:
    Dried beans in an empty container with a lid to shake (oatmeal box, coffee can). Use wooden spoons to bang on pots. Take rubber bands, stretch them over containers, and pull on them to make sounds.
  • 6 Year Old

    6 Year Old
    Physical: Can ride a 2-wheel bicycle with training wheels and ties shoes.
    Emotional: Period of emotional turmoil and easily hurt and disturbed.
    Social: Friends are usually same sex but have no regard for team effort.
    Activity:Homemade Bubbles:Mix together 2/3 cup of dishwashing liquid (Joy or Dawn work best), 1 quart of water, and 1/3 cup of glycerin. Stir with a whisk to combine all ingredients. Then pour a small amount of the liquid into a bowl or bowls for the kids to use.