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Vo-History Of India

  • Dec 2, 1206

    The Turkish in 1206

    The Turkish in 1206
    The Turkish Kingdom strecthed south to the Deccan pleatuea.The Region was ruled from from the city of Dehli by a sultan
  • Period: Dec 2, 1206 to

    India Timeline

  • Dec 2, 1526

    Babur a Mughal Ruler

    Babur a Mughal Ruler
    Babur, a Mughal ruler and Mulim invaded southward with his army.
  • Queen Elizabeth 1 of England gave trade rights

    Queen Elizabeth 1 of England gave trade rights
    Queen Elizabeth 1 of England gave trade rights to East of India company,an organization of English merchants,to trade in India an East and Southwest Asia.
  • The death of the Mughal empire

    The death of the Mughal empire
    The death of the Mughal emperor dies,the empire collasped.
  • Great Britian took possesion

    Great Britian took possesion
    Great Britian took possesion of the island nation of Sir Lanka,then called Cheylon,and the island nationof Maldives.
  • Indian National Congress

    Indian National Congress
    Indian Nation Congress Was Formed to provide a forum where Indian can discuss their problem.
  • Muslim

    Muslim forms the Muslim Leauge.
  • Indenpendece

    India for the Hindu and Pakistan for the Muslim.the to countries form and grant independence
  • Sri lanka

    Sri lanka
    Sri Lanka Became Indenpendent
  • The Maldives

    The Maldives
    The Maldive also became indenpendent.
  • india test misle

    india test misle
    in 1998 india lauched a test necular missile thing and pakistan did it too, to show them they had it