30. Women, Colonial Period to 1754 (French and Indian War)

  • Colonization

    Women from Europe began to come over to America with their children. They helped the colonies such as Virginia grow and succeed.
  • Tobacco brides

    European women began to come to America for arranged marraiges.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony because authorities were alarmed by her prayer meetings, which were attended by both men and women. She also criticized the colony’s ministers. She was put in trial for her beliefs against the church and was banished from the colony.
  • Lockean Liberalism

    a philosophy of freedom created by John Locke that proclaimed that all individuals posses rights that no government may violate. Lockean liberalism allowed women, poor people, and slaves to challenge limitations on their freedom.
  • Women's rights in New York

    English law ended the Dutch tradition that married women could conduct business in their own name and inherited some of the property acquired during a marriage. Colonists began to focus more on advancing the fortunes of their sons than providing for their wives and daughters.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    many people began to believe in the supernatural and witches during this time. They believed that witches were women that had made a pact with the devil in order to obtain supernatural powers. Witchcraft was punishable by execution. A series of trials and executions happened in the town of Salem. Hundreds of residents came forward, accusing their neighbors of witchcraft. Fourteen women and five men were hanged.
  • Women and the household economy

    free women were expected to devote their lives to being good wives and mothers. Men gained even more power in society. As society became more structured, women had less opportunities then they previously had. Women disappeared from judicial proceedings. Women’s work was clearly defined: they cooked, cleaned, and did other household chores.