
Conflict on the Great Plains

  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    wThe sand creek massacre was an infamous of Indian War,It stated in the 1850's in the Rocky Mountains, and it surrounded the foothills
  • Fetterman Massacre

    	Fetterman Massacre
    Hundreds of warriors were waiting in ambush and wiped out the entire detachment.About 80 soliders were in pursuit
  • 1874 Discovery

    1874 Discovery
    Custer led an army expedititon to check up on the rumors and confied that there was gold "from the grass roots down"
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    George Custer wanted golory so he attacked on the Natvie Amicans , He Custer and his entire command lost thier lives, the newa of the armys defeat shocked the nation
  • Treaty of Fort Laramie

    	Treaty of Fort Laramie
    In the spring of 1868 a conference was held at Fort Laramie, present day Wyoming, that resulted in a treaty with the Sioux. This treaty was to bring peace between the whites and the Sioux who agreed to settle within the Black HillS.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    It was a way for the Sioux express their culture that was being destroyed.Officials were alarmed and decided to ban the dance.
  • Wounded Knee

    Wounded Knee
    Southwest of South Dakota. The army went there to collect the Siouxs weapons, No one knows why the fighing statred when the pistol shot rang out, the army responded with fire. 200 Sioux and 25 soliders were killed