Gore2 768580

The Inscrupulous History of the Internet

  • ARPA

    US Department of Defense forms ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to develop military science and technology.
  • Premonitions

    Benefits of computer sharing were initially realized in reasearch and developement of military fields.
  • Jerrod Has Connection!

    Jerrod Has Connection!
    MIT connects computers from Massachusetts and California. ARPA is one of the sponsors.
  • Flip That Packet Switch!

    Flip That  Packet Switch!
    Larry Roberts of MIT introduces first ARPA plan that brings packet switching technology to the forefront.
  • Waddya Node!

    Waddya Node!
    First node sent from UCLA to Standford Research Institute.
  • Momma's Got a Brand New Bag!

    Momma's Got a Brand New Bag!
    Queen Elizabeth sends out her first email.
  • Chats!

    USENET, the genesis of all networking discussion groups, is developed.
  • CONNECT 4!

    CONNECT 4!
    IT protocols are developed, known as TCP/IP. Leads to first definition of "internet" being a connection of networks.
  • I've Got Worms!

    I've Got Worms!
    First large- sale Internet worm threatens all nerds!
  • Still Getting Ladies From It!

    Still Getting Ladies From It!
    Tim Berners- Lee creates the World Wide Web!
  • IT'S ALIVE!!!

    IT'S ALIVE!!!
    Internet Growth Staggering 341,634%
  • Jeremy Donalson discovers link

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Survey Monkey Lesson

  • Survey Monkey

    Survey Monkey
  • Survey Monkey

    Survey Monkey