
By kloup6
  • Juan De Onate

    Juan De Onate lead 130 Indian and Mestizo soldiers with their families into New Mexico intending to mine gold and souls but he failed to do so.
  • The English Founded Jamestown

    Jamestown was founded by a group of London investors known as the Virginia Company that sent ships to Chesapeake Bay. it was named Jamestown in Honor of the King (King James 1) and it became the first permanent English settlement in North America
  • Pocahontas

    Powhatan, leader of a confederacy of Algonquian tribes, sent his daughter Pocahontas along on a diplomatic mission to Jamestown with the Virginia Company. She ended upmarrying John Rolfe, a leading settler, but she dies of disease in 1617
  • French Fur Trade

    French traders were living around the Great lakes from as early as the 1620's
  • Pilgrims embark on the Mayflower

    Pilgrims were English Separatists who belived tht they must establish their own independent church because the Anglican establishment was too corrupt. 102 pilgrims boarded the Mayflower and sailed from Plymouth, England in 1620
  • Mayflower Compact

    This document was that which all men of the expedition did "covenant and combine together into civil body politic." This was the first document of self-government in North America
  • Pilgrims rescued by Massasoit and his tribe

    Massasoit , the leader of local Wampanoag tribe, gave food and advice to Pilgrims who would have otherwise starved the first winter in exchange for an alliance against his enemies, the Narragansets.
  • Half-Way Covenant

    allowed member's kids to join as half-way members because they have not yet gone through conversion, they were only excluded from communion
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    A group of wealthy puritans were granted a royal charter, they called their enterprise the Massachusetts Bay Company. They established territory on Massachusetts Bay, which they renamed Salem.
  • Tobacco

    Starting with when John Rolfe created varieties of tobacco in 1631 that appealed to people of England as well as others, tobacco produced the first returns on the investmetns of the Virginia Company
  • Harvard

    Harvard was the only institution of higher education in the British colonies up until 1693 when the College of William and Mary was established by Anglicans.
  • The Bay Psalm Book

    The previous year the first printing press was in operation in Boston. This book was the first American English publication
  • The Bloody Tenent of Persecution

    Roger Williams, leader of Rhode Island, argued for religious toleration and said that worship that was forced upset or disappointed God
  • Navigation Acts

    These Acts excluded the Dutch from carrying trade with the colonies. In affect the colonies grew increasingly more independent.
  • King Philip's War

    This was an Indian revoltthat erupted in New England. In the end the loss was greatly for the Indian people. This war marked the end of organized Indian resistance within New England. About 4,000 Algonquians died as well as 2,000 colonists,
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon led violent raids including murder of indians and they eventually turned their anger to Jamestown and burned and pillaged the town.
  • Culpepper's Rebellion

    Men of the backcountry of the Albermarle region of North Carolina overthrew the proprietary government with violence. The rebels then created their own government before being suppressed by English authorities.
  • Letter on Tolerance

    Written by John Locke, it was argued that churches only worked through persuasion and was a voluntary society
  • The Glorious Revolution

    This was a bloodless transition in which some of the leaders of Parliament tried replacing King James II (who alienated Parliament) with his own daughter Mary and her Dutch Husband, William of Orange.
  • King William's War

    This war was between England and France as a struggle for colonial supremacy. The war ended in 1697
  • Florida Slave Policy

    The Spanish declared Florida a refugee for slaves that escaped from the English colonies
  • Wool Act of 1699

    This Act forbade the colonial manufacture of wool; England placed limitations on this colonial enterprise that competed with it at home
  • Yale College

    Puritans from Connecticut thought that Harvard was too liberal of a school so in 1701 they founded Yale.
  • Iroquois Five Nations

    Although they fought against the French in King William's War, the Iroquois Five Nations sined a treaty of neutrality in 1701 which kept them out of the next conflicts
  • Queen Anne's War

    This war lasted from 1702 until 1713 and was between Great Britain along with their allies against France and Spain. In the end Great Britian gained the right to supply slaves to the Spanish colonies in America.
  • Virginia Slave Code

    THe Virginia Slave Code was a model for other colonies. It included regulations such as the death of a slave during punishment is not noted as a felony.
  • Saybrook Platform

    The churches of Connecticut agreed to the Saybrook Platform in order to enact the system of governance by ministers and elders rather than congregations.
  • Peace of Urecht

    Great Britian won the right to supply slaves to the Spanish colonies in the Americas
  • Robert Walpole

    THe British Government of Prime Minister Robert Walpole thought that a decentralized administration would most efficiently attain the economic goals of the nation and advised that a government should be as mild as possible
  • The Great Awakening

    This movement began in the early 1730s; it challenged the idea of rationalist approach regarding religion
  • Hiving off

    by the 1730's there were many congregations throughout New England towns. As these towns grew to large, a group of residents would start "hiving off" by finding new land to form new churches and towns.
  • Georgia

    Created by an act of English Parliament, Georgia was soon a place where many of the arriving Africans were taken, especially by the 1740s
  • Poor Richard's Almanac

    THis book was written by Benjamin Franklin and lasted from 1732-1757. Franklin used traditional literary form to promote Enlightenment emphasis on practical and useful knowledge
  • Hat Act of 1732

    England created limitations on the colonial enterprise of hats in order to decrease the competition with those at home. The act did not allow manufature of the product in the colonies
  • The Molasses Act of 1733

    Parliament prohibited the importing of sugar from foreign countries into North America. These restrictions weren't strictly followed, although if they were it most likely would have caused a conflict among the colonists.
  • George Whitefield

    George Whitefield was an evangelical Anglican Minister who, in 1738 started touring the colonies and giving powerful sermons that left a lasting effect on many of the people
  • War of Jenkins's Ear

    1739-1743, Great Britain and Spain were in a war over Caribbean conquest. It was called the war of Jenkins's ear because a sailor claimed that his ear was cut off by the Spanish
  • Stono Rebellion

    A group or recently arrived Angolans started in Stono South Carolina and marched towards Florida for freedom. They were armored as they beat drums to attract other slaves. As they marched they ended up killing colonists while plundering homes. . They ended up getting destroyed by the militia
  • King Goerge's War

    Lasted From 1744 until 1748; Great Britain fought France. This was the first war after 30 years of peace
  • Log College

    The Log College was founded by William Tennent, an evangelical preacher in order to train men for the ministry. The Log College became New Jersey College and then later Princeton.
  • Iron Act of 1750

    The Iron Act of 1750 forbade the colonial manufacture of iron in order to eliminate the competition with the enterprises at home
  • French and Indian War

    1754-63;This war ultimately decided the future of the land from the Appalachian mountains to the Mississippi. Great Britian eventually emerged as the superior in North America after this war
  • John Woolman

    John Woolman was the author of "Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes" in which he urged readers to jist imagine themselves in the life of a slave and he also brought up the Bible's declaration of how all peoples are of one blood, or we are all the same in the end
  • Junipero Serra

    he was the presidents of missions in Baja. Serra accompanied Gaspar de Portola(governor of Baja) to help establish Spanish presence in the North
  • Indian epidemics

    Euopean disease that was transferred to North America hammered the native Americans. an estimated 7 to 10 million indians north of mexico in1500 was diminished to a mere one million around 1800 by these epidemics
  • My Birthday

    I was born in Littleton Colorado on June 8th, 1993
  • World Trade Centers

    The twin towers of the World Trade Center were attacked by 4 commercial jet airliners hijacked by Al Qaeda terrorists. A total of 2993 people died.