21st Century Learning

  • Beginning questions

    Beginning questions
    Questions include: How do teachers integreate technology into the classroom? How they find out what programs are best? What all is available for educators?
  • NETS

    Learned how technology is dealt with from a educators perpective, helped me understand goal of the class. Shows how I as a teacher can progress technology in to the future and teach students how to use it efficiently, responsibly, effectively, creatively, and in ways that can be shared with others.
  • Feeback

    Learned how important feedback can be to a student in encouragment and self confidence. Saw how technology can be used to provide more immediate feedback that helps the student learn more if it is specific.
  • Cues, Questions, advance organizers

    Cues, Questions, advance organizers
    Learned how cues can help shape behavior, questions can guide learning, and advance organizers can peak interest. All of which will be used in the future
  • Wikis

    Learned of the vast potential for wikis. They could be used as web publishing platoform, a form of class website/information board, class collaboration, and many other things.
  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    Learned how some teachers use social networking in the classroom and with colleagues. Also the drawbacks and benefits of using social media in these settings such as online vandalism as well as a global community of educators with the same goals.
  • Google Ninja!

    Google Ninja!
    Learned all the ins and outs of the vast network of google tools. So many things to use! Cloud storage, maps, Earth, Youtube, Google +. Huge networks of tools all at an educators disposal
  • Virtual Environments

    Virtual Environments
    Learned how prevalent virtual environments have become and how they are being used for education. From online classes to games like second life, a whole virtual world is awaiting to be educated!
  • Twitter

    Learned that twitter can be used as a platform for class discussions, posting homework, or almost anything a normal blog could do. Most important is the potential for professional development and networking..
  • The FUTURE

    The FUTURE
    Learned how the future of the web is becoming more integrated and the tools available for educators keeps expanding more and more. As a teacher I plan to experiment with and take advantage of wikis, blogs, perhaps some social media, google docs and other collaborative software, cloud storage and tons of other things that are available.
  • Questions for the future

    Questions for the future
    how do teachers stay on top of all the new technology? How do they decide what works best for them out of all the different varieties of options (for example the number of wiki and blog sites available.) All of these questions I hope to answer by experimenting as a teacher in the future!