
By kinsey
  • Chesapeake Colonies

    Cause: After the Spanish-English war, King James wanted to colonize North America.
    Effect:A group of investors, The Virginia Company, established Jamestown, the first settlement in the Chesapeake region and the English were in North America to stay
  • Tobacco

    Cause: The English colonies needed a "merchantable commodity" to make a profit off of North America.
    Effect: Tobacco cultivation retired the land and turned big profits for the English.
  • Indentured Servants

    Cause: The cost of to ship a person to North America was ;ess expensive than a slave so many English used them.
    Effect: The English grew dependent on these servants while the French relied on themselves and the Spanosh on Indian labor.
  • William Bradford

    Cause: leader of the Pilgrims, who believe the Anglican establishment to be so corrupt that they must establish their own church.
    Effect: Emmigrated to North America on the Mayflower and formed the first English colony.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Cause: A arge group of Puritans wanted to establish their own colony in order to reform the national church.
    Effect: Led to a Puritan run colony, resulting in secret corruption within the community.
  • Roger Williams

    Cause: He came to Salem to preach that the English had no right to Indian land, religous toleration, and seperation of chirch and state.
    Effect: He was banished for his ideas but he and followers formed the town of Providence based on his ideas.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Cause: Retaliated and disagreed with Puritan leaders by holding discussion groups to criticize them.
    Effect: She was banished for claiming to have a revelation from God and moved to Providence with her followers.
  • Harvard

    Cause: The Massachusetts community wanted to have higher educated younger generations.
    Effect: The literacy rate was high in New England but much lower for women than men.
  • Thomas Hooker "Fundemental Orders"

    Cause: A minister who disagreed with Puritans over authority and believed women should be included in suffrage.
    Effect: He and his followers went west to write the Fundamental Orders that began Conneticut.
  • The Bay Psalm Book

    Cause: The printing press was gaining popularity and in operation in English Colonies.
    Effect: American English publication was established.
  • Navigation Acts

    Cause: King James didn't want Anglican forms of worship in Puritan towns because it violated local autonomy.
    Effect: Prevented colonies from trading directly with any colony other than England.
  • King Phillip's War

    Cause: Indians were unhappy about being pushed around and having their land taken away.
    Effect: a war between the Indians and Puritan colonies for land.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Cause: King James had alienated himself from parliament so they replaced him with his daughter Mary and her husband William.
    Effect: Mary and William agreed to the Bill of Rights.
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    Cause: Mary and William agreed to the Bill of Rights after King James 2 had alienated Parliament.
    Effect: This made monarchs more of a figurehead and gave more power to the people.
  • Salem Wiitch Trials

    Cause: A group of girls claimed to be bewitched and began a string of harsh accusations against the innocent.
    Effect: This showed the suspicion people had in women with no children or widows who supported themselves.