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2020 Timeline Jenn Williams

  • Period: to

    2020 Timeline Jenn Williams

  • Planning for CCSS

    Planning for CCSS
    K-12 Grade Level and Content Area Teacher Collaboration Topics: Google Apps Training for Teachers, Chrome Book Training, CCSS Standards Schedule and Common Assessment Development, and Curriculum Development
  • Technology/Tools: ChromeBook Purchase and Deployment

    Technology/Tools: ChromeBook Purchase and Deployment
    ChromeBooks purchased at a 4:1 ratio for students in grades 4 and 5 and at the 6-12 level starting with the English Department.
  • Blended Learning Collaborative:

    Blended Learning Collaborative:
    Identify Blended Learning implementation plan for 2015-2016.
  • STEM:

    Identify STEM Collaborative and work towards STEM Implementation.
  • Learning Environment

    Learning Environment
    Revaluate the implementation plan for implementing a collaborative learning environment.
  • Planning for CCSS

    Planning for CCSS
    Curriculum Development Google Groups identified and working towards developing CC modules to be implemented in fall 2014.
  • Technology/Tools

    On going Google Apps Training offered to support ChromeBook deployment.
  • STEM:

    Assess our STEM Program and determine implementation goals.
  • CCSS Planning

    CCSS Planning
    Curriculum Development groups share CCSS aligned curriculum and identify future needs.
  • Techonolgy/ Tools

    Techonolgy/ Tools
    Additional ChromeBooks purchased and deployed for 3rd grade teachers and Math Department at a 3:1 ratio.
  • Learning Environment: Secondary Learning Enviroment Collaboration is established

    Learning Environment: Secondary Learning Enviroment Collaboration is established
    Topics to be explored: Implementing Google Hangout with students, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), and other online options to establish collaboration among both students and students, teachers and teachers, and students and teachers.
  • CCSS Implementation:

    CCSS Implementation:
    CCSS Modules are implemented, along with CCSS Standards Schedule and Common Assessments.
  • Blended Learning Collaborative:

    Blended Learning Collaborative:
    Identify stakeholders including teachers, administrators, counselors to identify: What it is? How it will it benefit students? How does it fit into course pathways? What type of technology, training, and staffing would be needed.
  • Learning Environment:

    Learning Environment:
    Secondary Learning Enviroment Collaborative identifies goals for 15-16.
  • Technology/Tools:

    District assesses technology needs in terms of equipmemt, Web 2.0 tools, and direction on topic of BYOD.
  • CCSS Implementation:

    CCSS Implementation:
    CCSS Modules are reevaluated during grade level and course PLC based both anecdotal teacher data and Common Assessment Data/
  • STEM:

    Revaluate progress toward STEM Goals.
  • Blended Learning:

    Blended Learning:
    Identify Blended Learning Implementation Plan
  • STEM:

    Identify STEM Implementation Plan including creating a digital literacy pathway grades 6-12.
  • Blended Learning:

    Blended Learning:
    First year of implementation of blended learning.
  • Technology/Tools:

    Collaborative continues to explore the idea of BYOD while addressing current board policy and Ed Coad.
  • STEM

    Implement STEM. Develop an active STEM, Science and Math collaborative.
  • Techonology/Tools

    First year of BYOD implementation which includes board policy, School procedures established and implemented. Teacher trainng is offered in how to build technology into instruction. ChromeBook carts will housed in each math and English classroom.
  • CCSS

    Use baseline performance on SBAC to determine CCSS program implementation effectiveness and to determine student needs.
  • Learning Evironment

    Learning Evironment
    Secondary Learning Enviroment Collaborative - revaluate the implementation of a collaborative learning environment including the BYOD procedures and effectiveness.
  • Blended Learning Collaborative

    Blended Learning Collaborative
    Identify program effectiveness and identify a longitudinal plan to to determine if implementation improves enrollement numbers, and student achievement.
  • Technolgy/Tools

    Based upon lessons learned from last year BYOD policies are revised and year two of implementation is underway. Teacher trainng is offered in how to build technology into instruction. Chromebooks purchased for History/Science departments at HS and MS.
  • STEM

    Provide STEM Professional Development
  • Learning Environment

    Learning Environment
    Develop a needs assessment identifying what type of Professional Development is needed for teachers to implement a truly collaborative learning environment.
  • CCSS

    Based upon SBAC student performance develop Professional Development that will improve student performance.
  • Technology/ Tools

    Technology/ Tools
    A full set of ChromeBooks will be purchased and distributed to all 3rd grade classrooms. Key boarding curriculum and pacing will be identified.
  • STEM

    Revaluate STEM implementation, program participation, teacher training, and generate future implementation steps.
  • Technology/Tools:

    Identify K-5, 6-8, 9-12 Digital Literacy Curriculum.
  • Techonology/Tools

    Implement Digital Literacy Curriculum K-12 along with NETS for teachers and administration.
  • STEM

    Evaluate STEM program participation and program effectiveness.
  • CCSS

    Evaluate CCSS implementation: SBAC performance and Professional Development Needs.
  • Blended Learning

    Blended Learning
    Continue to identify program effectiveness and identify a longitudinal plan to to determine if implementation improves enrollement numbers, and student achievement