2017 Natalie Khor Dalat World History Quarter 2

  • 7000 BCE

    6.1-Ancient China - Developement of Farming

    Farming developed near the Chang Jiang and the Yellow River. When the rivers flooded, they would deposit silt that was extremely fertile.
  • 2000 BCE

    8.1- Crete- Minoans Settling on Crete

    The Minoans settled in Crete around 2000 BC. As they were near water, they spent a lot of time at sea. They traded goods such as olive oil, wood, pottery for jewels, gold, and silver. The civilization came to an end when a volcano exploded and buried cities.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 220

    Ancient China - The Dynasties

    Xia Dynasty( 2000 BC)
    Shang Dynasty( 1500 BC)
    Zhou Dynasty (1050 BC ~ 400 BC)
    Qin Dynasty ( 221 BC ~ 206 BC)
    Han Dynasty ( 206 BC ~ 220 AD)
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 750 BCE

    Ancient Greece - The People Groups

    Minoans (2000 BC- 1600 BC)
    Mycenaeans (2000 BC - 1200 BC)
    City-States (750 BC)
  • 753 BCE

    10.1 - Rome - Rome is Built

    There were twin brothers, one named Romulus and the other Remus. According to legends, they were out in a basket and thrown in the the Tiber River as babies, but did not drown because a wolf had rescued and nurtured them back to health, then a shepherd came and adopted them. Once they were grown up, they were planning a city. Over a fight for power, Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 78 BCE

    Greece - Famous Figures

    Cincinnatus (519- ?)
    Romulus + Remus (no birth date)
    Aeneas (no dates)
    Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138-78)
  • 750 BCE

    8.3 Greece - Birth of Homer

    Homer was a famous poet who wrote the Iliad and the Oddysey. The Iliad was about the Trojan War and the Oddysey was about a man named Oddysseus who took ten years to get home after the war.
  • 600 BCE

    9.2- Sparta- Spartans Build a Military Society

    Lycurgus created the social system of Sparta after a slave revolt. To try to prevent revolts from happening in the future, they made military more important.
  • 551 BCE

    6.2 - Zhou Area - The Creation of Confucianism

    Confucuis felt the need for the Chinese to return to ethics.His ideas were called Confucianism.He created guidelines that would, in his opinion, restore family order and harmony. He also had influential ideas about the government. Later, his ideas and teachings were made into a collection named The Analects.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30

    The Greek World - The Empires

    Cyrus the Great ruled the Persian Empire. But later on, Alexander the Great defeated the Persian Empire and conquered a few other places, making the Macedonian Empire the largest the world has ever known.
  • 509 BCE

    10.2 - Rome - The Tripartite Government is Developed

    The plebeians had been protesting about the government, so the patricians developed a new government. It was divided into three parts. The most powerful part are the magistrates, who had power over everyone. The senators were responsible for advising the magistrates, and the tribunes and assemblies were there to protect the plebeians.
  • 500 BCE

    8.2-Greece- The Creation of Democracy

    Cleistenes, also known as the "Father of Democracy" created democracy, even though he was an aristocrat. He didn't support the idea of aristocrats running the government.
  • 499 BCE

    9.1- Asia Minor-The Persians Fight the Greece

    Greek cities rebelled, and a few Greek city-states sent soldiers to help. Darius got angry at the Greeks for sending help, so he attacked Greece nine years later, and started the Persian Wars.
  • 476 BCE

    11.3 - Rome - The Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 BC. Attila, a Hun leader had led troops to invade Rome, and raided the Western part, leading to the end of the Western Roman Empire.
  • 399 BCE

    9.4 - Greece - The Death of Socrates

    Socrates wanted people to question their beliefs and thinking, and he was accused of corrupting young minds. Then, he was given a choice, renounce everything he said, or drink a cup of poison. He chose to drink the cup of poison and died on that day.
  • 334 BCE

    9.3 - Alexander’s Empire - Alexander Builds an Empire

    When Philip, the father of Alexander died, Alexander rose to power at the age of 20. He traveled south to quell a rebellion, within a year, he had capture and enslaved the Theban people. He begins attacking the Persians and after the years, his Empire was the largest in the world.
  • 264 BCE

    10.3 - Rome - Rome Grows Beyond Rome

    Rome gre in power which worried the other countries. So they declared war, but Rome defeated the enemy and got land throughout the Mediterranean. Then in the Punic Wars, the Romas took Sicily, Corsica, Spain, and North Africa.
  • 221 BCE

    6.3-Ancient China - Shi HuangDi became Emperor

    The ruler of the Qin state conquered all the other states of China and achieved his dream of unifying China. He named himself Shi Huang Di, meaning literally, "first emperor". He was a legalist and burned all books that did not agree with the idea of legalism. When the scholars protested, he buried all 460 of them. He still did some respectable things, such a linking the earlier parts of the wall that were built, the terra-cotta army, and improving the water system.
  • 140 BCE

    6.4- Ancient China - Wudi Creates a New Government

    When Wudi took the throne, he decided that he wanted the central government to be stronger. So, he took land from lords and raised taxes along with placing control of the supply of grain under the government.
  • Period: 58 BCE to 565

    Ancient Rome - Important People

    Julius Caesar (58 BC is him conquering Gaul- 44BC)
    Constantine ( 42 BC is him avenging Caesar's killers - 27 BC where he gave up power)
    Jesus (1 AD - 30 AD)
    Caesar Augustus ( 63 BC - AD 14)
    Justinian (483 AD - 565 AD)
    Theodora ( 500 AD - 548 AD)
  • 50 BCE

    11.1 - Rome - Caesar Rises to Power

    Caesar was a good general that was admired for his bravery and skill. In eight years, he defeated almost all of Gaul, which is Modern day France.
  • 1 CE

    11.2 - A New Religion Appears

    Around first century AD, Christianity, which was a religion based on the teachings of Jesus the Nazareth.Christianity is similar to Judaism, but has some differences.
  • 1 CE

    Chapter 11 - Modern Day - Christianity

    Christianity developed in 1 AD, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He grew up and taught people about living right, then was cruxified and resurrected. Christianity has similarities with Judaism, but developed as a separate religion.
  • Chapter 9- Modern Day- The Parthenon

    The Parthenon was built as a temple to the goddess Athena. The interior was covered with carvings and paintings, and the building still stands today for tourists to visit in Greece.
  • Chapter 10 - Government

    One of the parts of the Roman government was the Senate. Even nowdays, we still have the Senate in America.
  • 6.5 From Modern China through The Middle East to Mediterranean Sea - China becomes Wealthy

    As only China new how to produce silk, they kept the procedure a jealously guarded secret. They traded silk with other regions and it grew very popular. The trade route used became known as the Silk Road. Since silk was in demand, and only China knew how to make it, they became extremely wealthy.
  • Chapter 6- Modern Day- Acupuncture

    The Hans made many advances. Such as acupuncture, which was the process of inserting needles through thee skin in specific areas to cure pain or diseases.
  • Chapter 8 - Modern Day - Aesop Fables

    Aesop was famous for his fables. Such fables are still known today, such as The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Ant and the Grasshoper, and The Tortise and the Hare.