
  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    Invented by Dov Moran. The USB Flash Drive created a way to portably transfer documents, videos, pictures, and other data from one device to another.
  • iPod

    Invented by Apple and Steve Jobs. This product was the foundation of what we now use everyday, our phone, computer, and ipad products. The tiny device held only 5GB of data, but created access to songs and making media more and more portable.
  • Bluray

    Invented by Sony/Bluray disc association. This disc supported the highest definition of media, had greater storage capacity, and supported greater video quality.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    Invented by Shigeru Miyamoto. This gaming device was a small rectangular device that ran all kinds of games that has shaped many people's lives. It has since upgraded due to its popularity, and allowed games to become more accessible and ready to play.
  • iPhone

    Invented by Apple and Steve Jobs. This device could do it all. Call, navigate, text, search the web, and run specifically created applications.