2 Party System

  • The Anti-Federalist Party

    The Anti-Federalist Party directly opposed John Adams and the Federalist Party. The Anti-Federalists believed that the "common man" had enough skills and common sense to run the government.
  • The Federalist Party

    The Federalist Party came to be after John Adams was elected president. Adams believed that the central government should be given all the power. The Federalist Papers explained the constitution to the civilians and promoted Federalism.
  • Democratic-Republicans

    The Democratic-Republican Party was created in direct opposition to the Federalist Party. Thomas Jefferson, then the Secretary of State, led the party. Another name for Democratic-Republicans is Jeffersonian Republicans.
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    Andrew Jackson and his supporters created this political movement which was moved by the idea of greater democracy for civilians or the "common man".
  • The Party of Lincoln (Republicans)

    The Party of Lincoln, also called The National Union Party and Republicans, put the beliefs of national interest above states rights and sectional interests. This party came to after being organized against slavery. Two major presidents are Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson.
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    Roosevelt Democrats are a direct result of Teddy Roosevelt and The Great Depression. His supporters consisted of southerners and farmers.
  • Modern Republicans

    Modern Republicans believe that taxes should not be increased but that military spending should be. Most modern republicans oppose abortion.
  • Modern Democrats

    Supporters of this party are likely liberal. They favor taxation and minimum wage. Modern democrats believe that people should be socially responsible and support the legality of abortion.