• Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's right convention. Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott adopted the Declaration of Sentiments, which calls for equality for women and their right to vote. More than 300 people mostly women but some men attended this convention. This is considered to be the start of the Women's Suffrage Movement.
  • Formation of the NWSA

    Formation of the NWSA
    The NWSA or known as the National Women's Suffrage Association was formed on May 15, 1869. This association was formed and led by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton. This group focused on the voting rights for women to be added to the federal constitutional amendment. They thought that since they added the 15th amendment which said African American males can vote why should women not be allowed too.
  • Formation of the AWSA

    Formation of the AWSA
    The formation of the AWSA or also known as the American Women's Suffrage Association was formed on November 1, 1869. This association was formed by Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell. They believed firmly in suffrage for women. This group tried going through the legislative for their voting rights.
  • Susan B Anthony Arrested

    Susan B Anthony Arrested
    Four days before the election in 1872 Susan B Anthony walked into the voter registration office and demanded to be added to the list. She then persuaded 3 colleagues to let them have a right to vote. On November 5, 1872 her and more than a dozen other women casts their vote for the presidential election. They were aware that it was illegal. Anthony was then singled out and arrested and charged with voting unlawfully. Anthony fought the charges but was unsuccessful. She was fined but never paid.
  • NWSA and AWSA Merge Together

    NWSA and AWSA Merge Together
    The NWSA and the AWSA merge together to form the National American Woman Suffrage Association. Stanton is the president of this association, but Anthony largely led this group. This group focuses on on securing suffrage at the state level.
  • Jeanette Rankin Elected to Congress

    Jeanette Rankin Elected to Congress
    Jeanette Rankin, a former NAWSA lobbyist, became the first women elected in Congress in 1916. She helped pass the 19th Amendment and was a committed pacifist. Alice Paul and Carrie Catt held peaceful protests outside the White House calling for Wilson to support women's suffrage. Many of the protesters were arrested and jailed for being in the sidewalk traffic. Paul and other protestors undertook hunger strikes to bring attention to the women's suffrage.
  • Progress of President Wilson

    Progress of President Wilson
    In 1918 President Wilson changed his views on women's right to vote. Catt helped influence his point of view who had a less eager style than Paul. Wilson also said how much women helped during the World War 1. He said they had increased the role in their war efforts. When the amendment came up to vote for, Wilson told the Senate he was in favor of suffrage.
  • House and Senate Pass Amendment

    House and Senate Pass Amendment
    On May 21, 1919 the House of Representatives passes what would become the 19th Amendment. This amendment was known as the Susan B Anthony Amendment. The Senate follows on June 4th just over the 2/3 requirement and it then goes to the states to be ratified.
  • Women's Suffrage Movement Ratified

     Women's Suffrage Movement Ratified
    On August 18, 1920 the Women's Suffrage Movement is Ratified. Tennessee became the 36th state in the United States. They needed a 3/4 vote and Tennessee voted allowing this movement to be ratified.
  • 19th Amendment is Adopted

    19th Amendment is Adopted
    On August 26, 1920 U.S Secretary Colby certifies the ratification of the 19th amendment. The 19th amendment gave all women the right to vote in the United States. It took over 70 years for women to earn the right to vote. In November they had more than 8 million women cast their vote in the presidential election.