1982 Mitch Kapor developed Lotus 1-2-3 software developed for the IBM personal computer.

  • computer 1983

    computer 1983
    irst personal computer with a graphical user interface is developed by Apple.
  • computer 1984

    computer 1984
    Apple Computer Corporation lanzó el Macintosh, la primer computadora con mouse e interfaz gráfica,
  • computer 1985

    computer 1985
    Capable of storing 550MB of information, the new CD-ROMs CDS market expanded music.
  • computer 1986

    computer 1986
    Daniel Hillis of Thinking Machines Corporation, promoted artificial intelligence when he developed the concept of compact parallel connection.
  • computer 1987

    computer 1987
    Motorola 68030 microprocessor developed.
    IBM entered the market with the PS / 2 computers, drives made ​​of 3 "
  • computer 1988

    computer 1988
    Co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs left Apple to found his own company, NeXT.
  • computer 1989

    computer 1989
    Motorola announced the 68040 microprocessor, with about 1.2 million transistors.
  • computer 1990

    computer 1990
    Microsoft announced Windows 3.0, on 22 May.
  • computer 2000

    computer 2000
    AMD Launches AMD 1GHz. Intel launches a limited number of Pentium III. It is decreed the end of TELEX.
  • computer 2001

    computer 2001
    Market launch of the Windows XP computers.