1980s Technology Progression

  • CD-ROM

    In 1983, Tech companies Philips and Sony created the CD-ROM standard, which increased widespread portable data storage capacity to 703MB, from 1.44MB of the 3.5" Floppy Disk.
  • Macintosh 128K Released

    Macintosh 128K Released
    Invented by Steve Jobs, this was the first Personal Computer with a Graphical User Interface
  • i386 Chip

    i386 Chip
    The Intel i386 ran almost four times faster (16 megahertz) than its predecessor, the PC XT (4.77 megahertz), increasing the ability of the PC to multitask and run complex operations
  • C++ Programming Language

    C++ Programming Language
    Danish Computer Scientist Bjarne Stroustrup creates C++, which is platform-independent and allowed for greater memory management. C++ was used in the creation of PlayStation, Xbox, Adobe Photoshop, and many other applications.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    Tim Berners-Lee creates the concept of a "web of information" using HTML, which became known as the World Wide Web we use today