
  • Mt. St. Helens Volcano Explosion May 18, 1980

    Mt. St. Helens Volcano Explosion May 18, 1980
    The Mt. St. Helens volcano, in Washington State, erupts, killing fifty-seven people and economic devastation to the area with losses near $3 billion. The blast was estimated to have the power five hundred times greater than the Hiroshima atomic bomb.
  • Ronald Reagan's Assassination Attempt March 30, 1981

    Ronald Reagan's Assassination Attempt March 30, 1981
    President Ronald Reagan withstands an assassination attempt, shot in the chest while walking to his limousine in Washington, D.C.
  • Vietnam Veteran's Memorial November 13, 1982

    Vietnam Veteran's Memorial November 13, 1982
    The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is dedicated in Washington, D.C., holding the names of the more than 58,000 killed or missing in action during the conflict.
  • First Woman Astronaut June 18, 1983

    First Woman Astronaut June 18, 1983
    Astronaut Sally Ride becomes the first American woman to travel into space.
  • Ronald Reagan's Reelection November 6, 1984

    Ronald Reagan's Reelection November 6, 1984
    President Ronald Reagan wins reelection over Democratic challenger Walter F. Mondale, increasing his Electoral College victory since the 1980 election to a margin of 525 to 13.
  • Famine Relief Concert July 13, 1985

    Famine Relief Concert July 13, 1985
    A famine relief concert organized by British artist Bob Geldof and held simultaneously in London and Philadelphia is seen in one hundred and fifty-two countries. The seventeen hour concert raised $70 million for relief efforts in Ethiopia and other African nations.
  • Hands Across America May 25, 1986

    Hands Across America May 25, 1986
    Five million people make a human chain across the United States in the Hands Across America campaign to fight hunger and homelessness.
  • Black Monday October 19, 1987

    Black Monday October 19, 1987
    The stock market crash known as Black Monday occurs on the New York Stock Exchange, recording a record 22.6% drop in one day. Stock markets around the world would mirror the crash with drops of their own.
  • Genetically Engineered Animals April 12, 1988

    Genetically Engineered Animals April 12, 1988
    The first patent for a genetically engineered animal is issued to Harvard University researchers Philip Leder and Timothy Stewart.
  • Largest Oil Spill in American History March 24, 1989

    Largest Oil Spill in American History March 24, 1989
    The Exxon Valdez crashes into Bligh Reef in Alaska's Prince William Sound, causing the largest oil spill in American history, eleven million gallons, which extended forty-five miles.