
  • Jim Crow laws

    Jim Crow laws
    Jim Crow laws were set to separate the white and black races. They deprecated everything from bathrooms to seating and lots more.
  • Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge
    In 1883 The Brooklyn Bridge was made it connects the boroughs of Manhattan. It was the first steel wire suspension bridge constructed.
  • Hull house

    Hull house
    The hull house was set up by Jane Addams
  • Basketball was invented

    Basketball was invented
    Basketball was invented by James Naismith and it's important because now today it became a huge sport
  • First Ellis island immigration station.

    First Ellis island immigration station.
    The first immigration station was opened. It was to just to get into Ellis island.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    The Supreme Court ruled that segregation was legal but the facilities were Separate but equal.
  • Ellis Island fire

    Ellis Island fire
    This was a fire that destroyed the Georgia pine structures on the island. No one died but a lot of the immigrations records were destroyed.
  • First battle of Spanish and American Forces

    First battle of Spanish and American Forces
    This was the first battle between Spanish and American forces, the Commodore Dewey with his Asiatic squadron. They defeat the Spanish fleet at Manila bay in Philippines.
  • Women Win Suggrage

    Women Win Suggrage
    The 19th Ammendment guaranteed the women's rights to vote it was important because it was hard to get to that place but the women wanted to vote.
  • Wall Street crash

    Wall Street crash
    This is when the American stock market collapses
  • Smooth Hawley tariff

    Smooth Hawley tariff
    This raised taxes on 900 imports, the plan was for it to help farmers but it ended up imposing tariff and hundreds of other products.
  • Major bank collapse

    Major bank collapse
    New York's bank in the United States collapse was the biggest failure in American history. $200 million bank deposits disappear
  • Food riots

    Food riots
    Food riots broke out in Minneapolis the drought was high at this point and hitting southern states the worst. The drought continued,. It was the worst drought in the 20th century for Arkansas.
  • Radio priest

    Radio priest
    Radio priest by Charles coughlins weekly broadcast brings 30 to 45 million listeners in.
  • Britain and France declare war

    Britain and France declare war
    Britain and France declare war on Germany in honor to commit to Poland. Then Roosevelt invokes the Neutrality act.
  • Hitler defeats France

    Hitler defeats France
    Britain forces retreat from france and hitlers armies defeat French forces.
  • Japanese Attack onPearl habor

    Japanese Attack onPearl habor
    This was on leading event and involvement with world
    war 2
  • Mass killing in Auscwhich

    Mass killing in Auscwhich
    When soilders entered Auscwhich camp it was a mass killing just thousands of people were killed.
  • Burma

    British and Indian forces fight Japanese in Burma
  • V E day

    V E day
    Victory or Europe Germany surrenders to the Red Army in Berlin
  • Atomic bomb

    Atomic bomb
    The United
    States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima aka our 20 kiloton bomb little boy kills 80,000
  • Vietnam independence

    Vietnam independence
    Ho Chi Minh proclaimed Vietnam and independent republic.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine Is issued promising US support for armed communist all around.
  • Guerilla war

    Guerilla war
    Ex-Viet Minh forces in the South organize and, with the support of Ho Chi Minh, begin a campaign of guerrilla warfare against Diem's administration.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    This was when the Berlin Wall was constructed
  • John F Kennedy

    John F Kennedy
    John F Kennedy was killed when he was riding on. Motorcade and he was assassinted by lee Oswald and he shot him 3 times.
  • MLK assassinated

    MLK assassinated
    Martin Luther king jr was killed in the Lorraine motel in Memphis TN. He was killed by James earl ray.