
1920s-1930s Timeline

By xuanna
  • Period: to

    1920 - 1930 Timeline

    Known as Roaring twenties and USA investment increased
  • 1920 - 1930s

    1920 - 1930s
    Agnes Mcphail Became the First MP(women's Right)
  • 1920 - 1930s

    1920 - 1930s
    _Hulibut Treaty, first Treaty for Canada whithout Britain(Autonomy)
    _Adolf Hitler gained power and did three things
    -Build arm force
    -Stop payments for tresty of Versaills
    -Abulish other parties
  • 1920 -1930s

    1920 -1930s
    _Chanak Affair occured (Autonomy)
    -King refused to support Britain of the inuasion of Tunkey.
    _King Bying Crisis occursd (Autonomy)
    -Gouernor General lost power.
    -King won the elecyion
  • 1920 -1930s

    1920 -1930s
    _Old age penson act passed
    -Achaggenge give from the Progrssiues to king due to minority Government
    _Balfor report farmed (Automy)
    -Fo cusing on pominors' qutinomy
    -Result nin statues of westminster (commonwealth)
  • 1920 - 1930s

    1920 - 1930s
    It was illegal to pursue land claims
  • 1920 -1930s

    1920 -1930s
    Persons case occured, Canada decide women were not persons (women's right)
  • 1920 -1930s

    1920 -1930s
    _Famous Five granted the name of 'person' back from lmperial priuy Council in Britain (Women's right)
    -Women could hold positio of sen a tors
    -Anew legal status for women
    -Important step of equality
    _The Great Depression Occured
    -France and Britain Could not pay the loan they borrowed from USA because them could not repartion from Germany
    -stock in USA orashed
  • 1920 -1930s

    -Canada only relied on few industries
    -Protectionsim, use high tariffs, but worsen the economy
    -Distribute Relisf Cams and welfare states
  • 1920 -1930s

    1920 -1930s
    _Bennett became the PM during the depression
    -Under the condition of 25 percent unemplayed
    -Give 20n million dollars to relieve the effect of depression
    -Prouide 20 cent work for men
    _)Maurice Duplessis became the premier of Quebec