
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Fought on June 25, the troops were led by Lt. George Custer. The federal troops fought against the Indians in attempt to relocate them on a reservation.
  • Rutherford B. Hayes became president

    19th president of the US
  • Nez Percé War of 1877

    Percé stated that the battle can be remembered as their peoples painful interaction with Manifest Destiny. The Nez Percé reservation was reduced in size and many wouldn't leave, causing them to be evicted.
  • Haymarket Riots

    Police Vs. Labour protestors
    A bomb was thrown into a crowd of radical unionist, 7 policemen killed and more injured.
  • The Dawes Act

    This act authorized the federal government to break up tribal lands and place them in separate lots (reservations).
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    150-300 Indians were brutally murdered by US troops. This event marked the climax of the US 19th century efforts to remove the plains Indians.
  • Baltimore Crisis

    American Sailors Vs. Chilean Nationals the two groups got into a brawl that eventually sparked a diplomatic crisis.
  • Homestead Strike

    Carnegie Steel Company management Vs. Their workers
    The company fired all of their workers and rehired more workers, later the two groups of workers got into a gunfight and the original group of workers stormed the company.
  • Explosion of USS Maine

    The origin of the explosion is unknown but it killed 266 out of 354 of the crew members and incited America to declare war against Spain.