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  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    Indian leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defeated Custer's troops who attempted to force the Indians back onto reservation. Custer and his men didn't make it.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
  • Colorado Becomes a State

    Colorado Becomes a State
    Colorado becomes the 38th state in the United States.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    Resulted from the U.S. federal government pulling the last troops out of the South, formally ending the Reconstruction Era.
  • Invention of the Light Bulb

    Invention of the Light Bulb
    Thomas Edison created the Light Bulb.
  • Standard Oil Trust

    Standard Oil Trust
    John D. Rockefeller's corporation that controlled more than 90% of the nation's oil and bribed politicians for favors.
  • James A. Garfield became President

    James A. Garfield became President
    James A. Garfield, a brigadier general during the Civil War, won the Presidential election of 1880.
  • President Garfield Assassinated

    President Garfield Assassinated
    President Garfield was shot and passed away on September 19, 1881.
  • North Dakota Became a State

    North Dakota Became a State
    North Dakota became the 39th state.
  • South Dakota Became a State

    South Dakota Became a State
    South Dakota becomes the 40th state.
  • Montana Became a State

    Montana Became a State
    Montana became the 41 state.
  • Washington Became a State

    Washington Became a State
    Washington became the 42 state.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

    Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
    Sherman Antitrust Act tried to prevent the artificial raising of prices by restriction of trade or supply, but many people critiqued it for harming society.
  • Idaho Became a State

    Idaho Became a State
    Idaho became the 43 state.
  • Wyoming Became a State

    Wyoming Became a State
    Wyoming became the 44 state.
  • The Tariff Act of 1890

    The Tariff Act of 1890
    Was enforced to protect domestic industries from foreign competition by raising the average duty on imports to almost 50%.
  • Utah Became a State

    Utah Became a State
    Utah became the 45 state.
  • Dingley Act

    Dingley Act
    Raised tariffs in the U.S. It was the longest-lived tariffs and also the highest.
  • Hawaii's Annexation

    Hawaii's Annexation
    The United States wanted Hawaii for business so that Hawaiian sugar could be sold in the U.S. Queen Liliuokalani opposed and Sanford B. Dole overthrew her in 1893 and in 1898 William Mckinley convinced Congress to annex Hawaii.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    America wanted Spain to peacefully resolve the Cuban's fight for independence- the start of the war was due in large part to yellow journalism.
  • Explosion of USS Maine

    Explosion of USS Maine
    Navy ship USS Maine, aiming to protect the U.S. during the Cuban War of Independence. It exploded in Havana Harbor and became a major political issue in the United States.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Signed by Spain and United States. Ended Spanish-American War. Helped the United States become a world power.
  • Gold Standard

    Gold Standard
    A monetary system in which paper money and coins are equal to the value of a certain quantity of gold.