Me starwars

Technology at New Start

  • Planning

    New Start staff meets for brunch and planning of our new advisory program. The wiki is born as a way to share ideas, resources and daily lessons.
  • Wiki Explosion!

    Wiki Explosion!
    As school starts, the New Start staff find the wiki is an excellent tool to share information. Everyone pushes through confusion and frustration to learn to use the wiki.
  • Google Docs and Independent Learning

    Pow Wow Trail 2009Peep uses collaborative online documents to work with a student who cannot attend school regularly.
    This idea has now expanded to accomodate students that are away from school to take care of family, work, or travel. This spring a student will be traveling the US to dance at Pow Wows. He will be completing assignments in ethnobotony, comtemporary Native American issues, and photography via his blog. Teachers will check the blog by subscribing to the RSS feed.
  • Yeah! Technology Arrives

    Yeah! Technology Arrives
    Coach and peep welcome the installation of projectors to our classrooms. Now we can use them everyday!
  • Team Teaching an Online Class

    Team Teaching an Online Class
    New Start Digital ArtsComputers for Artists is born. Coach and special education teacher work together to design an online course that is flexible to meet the needs of all students. All work is collected on Google documents, so students can work off campus and teachers can grade and collaborate from any location*
    *my couch
  • It's a Wikiful World

    It's a Wikiful World
    New Start ZombieNew Start PhotographyTeachers are increasingly using wiki sites to post student work, assignments, and grades.
  • Wiki Fever

    Teacher Kris Oakley creates a wiki on her own. Her site will host a math class. Teacher Melissa Sokolik soon follows, creating a wiki to host all of her independent study programs. Tech coach Ann Magyar is very, very proud.
  • Coming Soon

    Coming Soon
    Next week coach, peep and two other teachers will begin teaching classes with a common theme: 1960s: Decade of Change. Classes will cover hsitory, film, fashon, literature and music. Pre-planning primarily takes place on a wiki and Google docs.