1800-1876 Timeline

  • Thomas Jefferson is Elected President

    Thomas Jefferson is Elected President
    Jefferson ran against John Adams in 1796 and came in second place, making him vice president by law. Then he ran again in 1800, with the election ending in a tie between Jefferson and Aaron Burr. The vote then went to the House of Representatives where Jefferson was then declared the victor and, furthermore, the third president of the U.S.
  • Congress Declares War on England

    Congress Declares War on England
    The beginning of the War of 1812 was caused due to the British Royal Navy restricting trade routes to the U.S., impressing U.S. sailors, and the U.S.'s desire to expand its borders.
  • English Forces Burn the White House

    English Forces Burn the White House
    British forces storm into the Chesapeake Bay and burn multiple government buildings including the Capitol building, the White House.
  • Florida is purchased from Spain

    Florida is purchased from Spain
    The Florida Peace Treaty was created to hand over the last Spanish American colony to the U.S. because of numerous boundary disputes. The U.S. gave Spain $5 million to cede Florida into the newly formed nation.
  • Monroe Doctorine

    Monroe Doctorine
    The Monroe doctrine declared the U.S. as the policing force of the western hemisphere.
  • U.S.-Mexican War

    U.S.-Mexican War
    The U.S.-Mexican War lasted from 1846-1848 and was the first U.S. conflict fought on foreign soil. It was a war that was disputing the independence of Texas and the border of the Rio Grande.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Elected President

    Abraham Lincoln is Elected President
    Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th president of the U.S. When entering office Abraham Lincoln was tasked with dealing with an incredibly divided nation dealing with the issue of states' rights about slavery.
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    The tension between the Northern and Southern states over states' rights and slavery finally got to the point where war broke out.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg was done in order to address the war that was occurring. He wanted to dedicate the field to the fallen soldiers on both sides, and he wanted the soldiers to know what they were fighting for.
  • First Transcontinental Railroad is Completed

    First Transcontinental Railroad is Completed
    This railroad made it possible to travel from the eastern side of the continent to the western side by utilizing nearly 2000 miles of railroad track. The work began in 1866 after many plans had been made and the Pacific Railroad Act was passed.