1750-1918 Overview

  • Period: to

    Seven Year War

    On 15th May, 1766, The Seven Year War started, with 8 countries fighting; Great Britain, Prussia and Hanover against France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Saxony. The war ended because two treatys were signed, one in Paris and the other one in Hubertusburg.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution began in 1775. The American colonist wanted independence from England. 10 years before the war actually started there was alot of tension between England and their colonies. The war ended in 1783, this meant that the United States of America was born.
  • First Fleets Arrived

    First Fleets Arrived
    The first fleet arrived in Botany Bay on 2th of January, 1788. In total, there were 11 ships and 1500 people. The people consisted of 700 convicts, 290 marine, 400 sailors and the remainder were women and their children. The first fleet left from England on 13th May, 1787.
  • Smallpox Outbreak

    Smallpox Outbreak
    Just 15 months after the first fleets came to Australia, many Aboriginals started dying from a small virus. The convicts that were on board of the first fleet, knew what the virus was; Smallpox. It was common in Britian, with people walking down the street in the 1700 with scars from the virus. People are lead to believe two rumors about the outbreak. First; the British knew that their convicts had the virus, thus it spreading onto the Aboriginals, and second; the British not relising about it.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution was a time period in France that was a radical and social imput, that lasted and extended strongly throughout Europe.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    In the 18th century, The Enlightenment was a philosophical movement that happened in Europe. It stressed out the people and the importance of reason and investigating. This then led to reappraisal of social institutions and existing ideas, about how they could b changed and or improved.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    In New South Wales, small amounts of gold were begining to be found, but however, in Febuary, 1851, a man called Hargraves found a mass amount of gold near Bathust, soon the word got out that there was gold in Australia. A week after the news, 400 people were in NSW searching for a piece of gold, in June the number just kept on getting bigger, with 2000 people searching.
  • Myall Creek Massacre

    Myall Creek Massacre
    On 10th June, 1838, 28 Aboriginal men, women and children where murdered by a group of white settlers in northern New South Wales, near the Myall Creek Station. The Myall Creek Massacre serves now as an example of mordern-day reconciliation and also as an reminder of the violence toward the Aboriginal people.
  • Chinese Miagration

    Chinese Miagration
    When gold was discovered alot of Chinese people miagrated to Australia. In 1861, 38,258 people of Australias population had been born in China.
  • Birth of AFL

    Birth of AFL
    AFL is Australia's most recognised sport; Australian Football Leage. Aussies Rules was first created in 1858 as a way for Cricketers to stay fit and warm during the winter; Tom Wills is apperantly the one that started this. The first AFL team was Melbourne, formed 10 July, 1858.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    In 1899, was the beginning of the Boxer Rebellion. It was an uprising against the foreign influence for the politics, trade, and religion. During the fighting, thousands of Boxers were killed.
  • War Precaution Act

    War Precaution Act
    The War Precaution Act was and act of the Parliment of Australia, this gave the Government have special powers for WW1.
  • Trading with the Enemy Act

    The Trading with the enemy act was to impose penalties for people that were trading with the enemies for purposes that were connect to matters.
  • Outbreak of WWI

    Outbreak of WWI
    World War 1 was the first ever war that had spun the globe. Many peope did not know what to expect and signed up thinking it would be a much pleasurable place. WWI started when the Serbian rebels shot the Hungarian archduke and his wife.
  • The Gallipolo Campange

    The Gallipolo Campange
    The Gallipoli campagne was an allie that was made to try and seize the Gallipoli Peninsula in order to gain control of the Dardanelles strait. It started in December 1915 and fnished in January 9, 1916
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    On 28th July, 1919. 4 year after the war had started, Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles. In the treaty, there was a total of 440 clauses
  • Penal Transportation

    Penal Transportation
    The Penal Transportation ended at the start of the war for American Independant. This led the convicts being sent to Australia instead.